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词汇 example_english_holder

Examples of holder

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The divider, the backs of the mirrors, and the mirror holders were also covered in lightabsorbing paper.
However, to reduce the cost of this process, parts are presented to the robots with low accuracy part holders.
Capital moves globally with ease, and capital holders can be unified.
Under the voluntary license solution, countries can negotiate with patent holders to manufacture their branded and patented products locally.
Subjects obeyed de facto holders of power in exchange for protection.
With this information we can infer the region of origin, the year of birth, and the social class of passport holders.
The composition of the group had a strong bias towards office holders and relatively well-educated people.
On the downside, this often resulted in preferential treatment for certain regions over others, depending upon the power holders' origins.
Another problem is the identification of the rights holders; they may be unknown or may not be found.
The holders of this rank were called pasa.
They were authorized to install office holders and hand out their corresponding seats on the stuccoed benches in the longhouse structures.
The state was therefore effectively insulated from the tribal power holders who had overthrown previous dynasts and dynasties.
From that date holders of such qualifications (other than those conferring graduate status) wishing to teach would have to take a course of teacher training.
The rights holders fall into three broad categories.
If grazing levels were to be maintained then making the common attractive to these farmers as well as to the small holders was critical.
The most surprising result is the number of small holders and the amount of land owned by such holders.
Many ayan were the holders of various types of tax farms, both short term and long term.
In the meantime, the claim exists independently of any claim-holder's or duty-bearer's actual subjective attitudes about (x, y).
A set of holders kept the animal in place on the bed.
The prospect for philanthropically driven licenses is bound only by the philanthropic appetite of patent holders.
There are also irregular evaluation sessions that are arranged when reports from party intelligence sources disclose ' wrongdoings' by politicians and office holders.
Post-graduate diploma routes (2 years) are also available for existing science/health degree holders.
I thank my co-authors and the copyright holders of the photographs for allowing me to use this material, and an anonymous referee for valuable suggestions.
Only licenses and navigation certificates of the holders are renewed, thereby furnishing an additional policy handle to reduce effort.
The high turbulence intensity and the sensitivity of the flow to external disturbances demanded a special support for the probe holders used in the study.
The sterling balance holders, stung by the effects of the devaluation, had already come to the conclusion that diversification was a sensible and desirable policy.
At the same time he offered a tax amnesty to all holders of foreign assets who were prepared to repatriate them.
The notification pool is thus basically still operating, but contract holders now know that their personal data can be disclosed to other insurance companies.
Thus, it is understandable that holders of this view are troubled by the legitimacy bestowed on the constructivist approach by the dual-process approach.
First, it is well recognized that holders of such privileges obtained renewals from a new king.
Assuming lexicalism, this paper shows how such missing elements are recovered semantically without employing empty place holders, abstract functional categories or invisible movement.
Human beings are situated within specific structures of collective acting as holders of structural positions.
In the 1980s, local power holders were behind localism.
The state also supported private house building initially by subsidies for small rented dwellings, and subsequently through favourable tax allowances for mortgage holders.
Subsequently, there would be 79,000 voucher holders, dependants and others arriving in every period of 5 years.
We attribute personality to the succession of the holders of a certain office.
Nations that elect to participate will 'buy in' by providing a share of the patent-holder's compensation and, in exchange, receive marginal cost pricing.
Here, a fraction of money holders, say < 1, retains currency, and thus m money traders are left.
Most of them need this to be able to compete with the majority power holders.
Legislation in most of the case countries requires communicating with account holders at least once a year in a secure form.
Virtue-names indicated desires that their holders should follow similarly virtuous paths.
The technology was, in fact, mainly borrowed from foreign patent holders and inventors.
Limited and clearly defined services can be provided by midwives and by holders of a university diploma in sciences, such as in laboratory testing.
Participation at public disputation formed part of the duties for degree holders and candidates.
If, for example, social security funds were invested wholly in equities, presumably they would have to be purchased from the major holders of such equities.
Probably the most famous are the peer-to-peer (p2p) programs, which have angered record companies and copyright holders.
In the janissary corps itself, 13 percent of the foot soldiers and 33 percent of the rank holders were married.
Substitutes (suplentes) also propose an average of 16 amendments compared to an average of 29 by main office holders (titulares).
Shares were as crucial to their private holders as to the fisc.
Second, there is no excluded group (as occurs with nonpolicy holders for private insurance) because the insurance covers all people.
A problem for policy holders, however, was the shortage of services available to buy with the benefits.
In fact, southern office holders at local, state and national levels were firmly dedicated to perpetuating discrimination, whether by commission or omission.
Currencies are intended to be exchanged, but they are in fact usually kept by their holders, wherever they might be, in purses, safes, or underground.
Unlike a conduenazgo, no statute or written contract protected the usufruct holders as legitimate co-owners.
To incorporate additional information, patent holders could obtain a value estimate from internally derived estimates that are vetted by an external expert.
The temperature of the sample holders can be set within the same range.
There are two main features that characterise the current power holders, a largely urban-based elite.
Non-participant observation was undertaken over one working day, observing the post holder's interaction with homeless people in clinics and hostels.
Because those in the best position to offer such resources are public office holders, most agrupaciones are held together by state patronage.
The fund provides above-market yields at government expense to the holders of this riskless asset.
A more important change is that local power holders have begun to compete for national power.
A purge of office holders was also undertaken.
Combined with their tribal exclusiveness is a purported blind obedience toward the power holders, first and foremost the ruling family.
He held these fields because, unusually, he had no sisters who would have been the rightful holders of the fields.
Attempts by subsequent governments to give priority to collective farms had the impact of further weakening the position of small land holders.
No matter what form land tenure assumes, land holders must enjoy clear and easily enforceable rights.
The banks' most important creditors were vast numbers of note holders and depositors, who, on average, held very small claims against the banks.
Like priests, degree holders have been invested by those before them, and these by those before them, and so on, in an unbroken chain backward.
On the other hand, in this environment the young workers (debtors and bankers) are the only holders of gold balances.
I have also been struck by how people normally make use of spatial locations as mnemonic place holders.
Since the 1961 amendment, however, devolution is according to personal law for the lands of both tenure holders and occupancy tenants.
One option is a more inclusive patenting process, with ethnobotanic providers included as patent holders.
Whether the permits are given free of charge or carry a price determines the distribution of capital gains between government and permit holders.
He notes that the right of hereditary holders of tenure to purchase and sell their land brought about considerable mobility in landholding.
Mortgage holders were kin and neighbours and this represented an obvious strategy for keeping landed property within families and clearly defined communities.
We want to be studying either the power holders or the subalterns.
However, the standard of living among the food-stamp holders began to deteriorate under the new scheme.
The need for sons as a means of old age support was less among literate groups and large land holders.
Their relative bargaining power on prices to be received in the future from bigger holders of capital was small.
If trade difficulties are high, it would be too timeconsuming for bill holders to encounter trade opportunities in the unorganized sector.
Circulation of bills outside the organized markets thus is determined by bill holder's strategy.
In addition, account holders may be less willing to assume higher risk for their retirement accounts.
We look first at the question of the lengths of terms of holders of political offices.
Essentially six trends of urban patronage shaped the city, reflecting the changes in the holders of power in the city.
The record high interest rates were attractive to holders of sterling even though they were also damaging to business.
Against this background, what are the planning roles of the different budget holders and providers?
The holdings of most farmers, especially the copyholders, were spread over two or three village fields, each man's strips interspersed among those of other holders.
As a result, trade can activate unused water without having a negative impact on water right holders.
Changes to the point of diversion have impact on return flows and thereby changes water availability for downstream right holders.
However, water pricing is often perceived as a policy intervention that negatively affects poor farmers and small holders.
Brushes were stored upright in sterilized plastic toothbrush holders for 1-10 days at room temperature, sampling as above every 2 days.
Throughout 1968 the balance of payments still tilted heavily towards deficit, and sterling holders continued to diversify.
Thus, in this period (1651 to 1720), sales to non-kin occurred frequently, even when children of the former holders were readily available.
Pipetting aids for capillary pipettes provide suitable holders for the micropipettes which can be attached to a conventional mouth piece.
There is an obvious sense, therefore, in which the trustee company is acting as guardian of the unit holders' interests.
How can the terms and conditions of every carrier and each transaction be made readily available to all the holders?
At the same time, however, the practice of issuing multiple originals gave rise to the problem of choosing among the rights of multiple holders.
However, holders of this latter opinion are still divided about what follows.
The cardinal distinction of jurisprudence is between rights or duties, and the holders or subjects of rights or duties.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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