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词汇 example_english_hill

Examples of hill

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The colours of the hills in the morning - it's just incredible.
There were two rows per plot, each 5 m long, with 0.75 m between rows and 0.40 m between hills.
Data were collected from the interior net plot measuring 3.60 x 3.75 m with five ridges and four maize planting hills per ridge.
Consider just lithostratigraphy: deposits on land are plastered as almost countless smears and patches over hills and valleys, rather than forming neat layercakes.
To the lower right, stippled flecks form a panorama of hills and craters.
The terrain at the western end of the hills consists of a plateau region with sandstone outcrops and slow-flowing streams.
Often present are lengthy descriptions of woods, hills, rivers, meadows - descriptions in which nature is depicted as an inventory of benign attributes.
They lived in hovels which often crested the tops of isolated hills where approach was immediately discovered and easily defended.
Ritual places in hills, mountains and high places were always created fundamentally as cosmic projections.
First, steep hills did not prevent bees from locating baits on the opposite side from where they were released.
Earlier they were satisfied with the wretched hovels constructed in a few hours similar to the camps they had on the hills.
Both crops are sown at very low densities (<5000 hills ha71) with no fertilizer.
The numbers of hills, plants, and cobs were counted.
Emergence was assessed 30 days after planting and expressed as the proportion of planted hills with a seedling.
Village settlements were concealed in the hills, making them all but invisible to strangers approaching from below.
The gross plot size was 7.2 x 6.75 m with nine ridges and eight maize planting hills per ridge.
The mean initial population was lowest in the spring maize in the mid hills.
The dynamic evolution of complex adaptive systems can be represented as a walk through a landscape with hills and valleys.
The field plots were subjected to normal agronomic and cultural practices such as field and seedbed preparation, weeding and hilling.
Road disturbances have the characteristics of large magnitudes at low frequency (such as hills) and small magnitudes at high frequency (such as road roughness).
Surface mining was complemented by driving shallow adits into the hills.
From here, it is possible to see the hills outside the monument.
The landscape is a combination of rocky outcrop, rolling hills and long coastlines.
The distance between the five potted rice hills, 25 cm, was similar to that used in farmers' fields.
The umudugudu (plural: imidugudu) is the administrative division that corresponds with one or a few hills.
In the model, setting the cowpea density to 20 000 hills ha-1 gave a three-fold increase in cowpea grain yield.
In the lower right, tachistically applied daubs suggest a carpet of hills still illuminated by the sun and indentations already lying in shadow.
The terrain is crested by limestone hills broken by steep drainage channels.
A pink, beige weathering welded rhyolitic ignimbrite forms a conspicuous cap on many hills of the area.
On the hills around, the forest is leafless and affords but little shade.
Duties of patrolling the hills were assigned to the latter.
There are neither hills nor coastline to relate to.
More than 85% of the total area and production of barley is in the high hills (41600 m).
Effects of demographic and related microeconomic change on land quality in hills and mountains of developing countries.
Five potted rice hills were placed in each cage and arranged in a metal tray filled with water to exclude predaceous ants.
Such hills faced windward and therefore tended to be uncomfortably cold at all times.
The first two were termite hills and the last a grove of towering fruit trees.
During this stage, a significant part of the electrons is either reflected by or trapped inside the potential hills.
The granulites form chains of hills and isolated hillocks amidst banded gneisses, which occur in a country of subdued topography.
The topography of the area encouraged confusion; the line of the watershed was far from clear due to several low hills and marshy saddles.
Weeds were controlled until hilling by hand weeding.
Lower side of hills, e dges o f rivers, and c reeks.
His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable.
The source area of the continental sediments cor responds to the mountains and hills located in the vicinity of the coastal plain.
The cultivation of cider apples is of great importance and where the hills are not covered with woods, they are planted with apples.
The mountain at the core had to be dotted with caves and springs, and sometimes surrounded by smaller hills.
From this the structure of the building is developed, forming the free space between city and hills with a flat, linear building below the trees.
As well as these practical concerns the wild wooded hills of the two hectare site are to be festooned with three follies.
There are large categories of words for hills, valleys, water-sources, and every other type of landscape feature, but within these categories there are no synonyms.
Arranged in concentric rings that often shared long retaining walls, the majority of terraces were densely packed on the hill's western face.
The world he wanted was everywhere around him - in the village, the hills, the sea ' ' (100).
Where hills and forests were available people used them.
If adjacent hills in a diagonal row were of the same cross, the plants were detasseled.
There are numerous nullahs and hills and several small streams, which make travelling very arduous.
There are small hills on all sides, but the road itself runs through a plain, and in the dry season is fairly good.
In several cases, the sides of hills were cut away to form the causeway.
Ants were collected using traps at ground level, directly from ant hills or taking infected ones from in tetania attached to plants.
The leadership within the mills managed to flee and regrouped the next day on the hills adjacent to the industrial area.
The theatre of war was dotted with ridges and hills and dissected by numerous ravines, nightmarish to a conventional but ideal for a guerrilla army.
The gravel was pushed into hills or ridges that reached up to about 1 m above water level.
An ensemble of buildings and spaces together make up an urban landscape; hills and their surrounding features convey power, desolation and emotion.
He offered a panoramic approach view of the town built on small hills on the horizon.
Steep midslopes and valleys at the top of the hills have skeletal soils suggestive of large-scale land movements.
The contract left the ravines and hills + a substantial and growing part of the city + for later.
The landscape is a succession of small hills, between 60-120 m asl.
The soils are oxisols on the hills with brown or gray alluvial covers in the bottomland.
The horst, a steep-sided escarpment, the crest of which has been transformed through weathering into tall, conical hills and deep depressions, falls sharply to the lagoon's southern border.
Because canals with locks lose a lot of water, the canal between the two seas is kept topped up from lochs high up in the hills away to the south.
The impact is beneficial for stability since yield loss on account of any missing plants is better compensated by the plants surrounding the unoccupied hills in the field.
Four video clips were selected from the programme, each depicting a single, highly familiar object moving continuously against a colourful background of green, flower-covered hills and a cloud-filled sky.
Whereas earlier public meetings had been held at various hills on the fields, the bigger protests were carefully placed upon an appropriate rising directly opposite the government camp.*!
Spatial and temporal distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen concentration in potato hills.
Several spurs of hills run west- east from the main upland massif, increasing local topographical complexity by more or less dividing the lowlands into a series of semi-enclosed coastal basins.
Apart from the sharp elevation of the high-energy complex, the cluster is composed of five medium-high hills, two of them being endowed with a rather broad base.
Above the escarpment the terrain is marked by karstic hills, 40 - 60 m high, with elevations in the range of 180 -200 m above sea level.
The school also eradicated their memory of the hills in which they wandered about earlier and thereby ensured that they did not cherish the wild notions.
The eect of this technology on tuber yields in the terai and the hills was estimated by comparing on-farm yields of crops grown from basic and traditional seed.
Patrolling of hills was assigned to it.
Same-shaded, ash-brown hills and trees lie invisible.
We have shown that villagers exhibit an inventive attitude in extending the scope of the mobile network signals when they climb hills in order to make a call.
They were central to the exploitation of the hills in the earlymodern period and the manor court was the key institution in preserving these rights and resolving disputes.
Settled in isolated niches in the hills, they developed their own localized identities, based on neighborhood and descent within the context of broader regional languages, cultures and social organizations.
The study plot is located on terra firme at 216-248 m above sea level and includes three hills and a central bottomland which is generally unflooded.
You can then cross streams and ascend steep hills with[out] difficulty or delay and a wash when you reach your resting place puts you all right clean.
Could he have gone behind the two hills?
The second type of quarry is found on the hillside below the first type as well as on two other hills.
They were lived surrounded by such physical realities as monuments, fields, hills, valleys, and woodland.
Yeah, but this particular building up there says, look how beautiful these rolling hills on the horizon are.
Densities of potted rice hills were similar to those in farmers' fields.
Households living in the hills are therefore understandably reluctant to use manure, and to a somewhat lesser extent crop residues, for fuel.
In the upper hills where risk of frost is high, natural pastures dominate the landscape.
The range of hills immediately to the east of the road appear to form a barrier to further extensions to the east.
Occasional cases of trypanosomiasis are said to occur among stock east of these hills.
At harvest, the highest population was in the high hills followed by the spring season maize in the mid hills.
The rate of population decline was higher in the low and mid hills compared to high-altitude areas.
Thus, competing potential actions can coexist as distinct hills in the landscape of cellular activity.
The problem was that to the degree that they were successful and population grew, they had to move down from the hills.
In this image, a parapet separates an outdoor porch or balcony from a background landscape of sky, trees, hills, and water.
The contemporary barrow groups of such valley settlements might be expected to be sited on the hills, where they do indeed survive in large numbers.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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