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词汇 example_english_height

Examples of height

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Free balloons carrying lighter instruments have continued these records to still higher regions, heights of 25 kilometres and more having been reached.
All species have maximum heights of 20 m or more.
One can see the heights of plateaus are proportional to the magnitude of intensity that coincides with the analytical predictions.
Is it mere coincidence that his philosophy commanded the heights for a generation and appeared to all contemporaries as the consummation of the movement?
In our own professional literature however, the situation is often portrayed as radiographers achieving emancipation from medical control and establishing new heights of professional autonomy.
The distances between structures are correlated with the barrier heights, but not exactly.
To analyse the trends in heights and how the differences in qualitative characteristics influenced their evolution a regression was carried out for all samples.
Each sample consisted of leaves picked from different heights in the tree canopies.
The profile was taken 1020 trip heights downstream of the trip.
There are two strong explanations for the significant decline in heights for those born in the 1910s and 1920s with respect to earlier decades.
The finely graduated degrees of light cast over the face of the moon also serve to reveal the heights and depths of its surface.
The constants a and b specify the heights of the waves.
However, the manipulation of location control at higher heights affected the salience of the located object/bowl containment relation.
There is, however, an increase in heights of cohorts who were born after the end of the 1930s.
The recovery in heights does not start until the 1930s, and only increases markedly for those born in the 1940s.
There was no recovery in heights until the 1930s.
All samples were analysed with a pulsed electrochemical detector and peak heights measured with internal standardization.
The output of our algorithm is a (possibly empty) range of critical pin heights for the part at each of its stable orientations.
The measurements also included sea-level observations to determine approximate geoid heights at the location.
Furthermore, we will build densely, but not in the between the building heights and their reciprocal distances form of high rises or so-called low density.
The gasdynamic equations for the plateau heights and maximum velocities are obtained as for one beam.
The error in determining the heights above sea-level is taken to be +10 m, which is the contour interval of the map.
I n figure 5 are shown all the results at the two heights of 1.0 and 1.5cm.
Measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations were made at heights between 2 and 1 2 m above the mean ocean surface.
The measurements were carried out at several heights above the wall and at a variety of positive wave-to-wind speed ratios.
The combination of step heights and slot widths covered a large range of hlt.
Length of the scale heights related t o rotation rate.
In 1998, the seeds harvested from this mutant were planted in the field and the plant heights of their progenies were recorded and analysed.
Now, we use the ternary expansion of k to express k hn as a sum of heights.
All argon peaks were scanned ten times and peak heights extrapolated back to the inlet time to allow for argon build-up and memory effects.
Clearly this will bias the estimated distribution of heights of 20-24-year-olds in 1940 relative to the true distribution then.
The function histogram draws a histogram, with the width of each bar being 0-5 and the heights given in the list of numbers.
She raised the art of public propaganda to new heights.
By that fact, they also represented the intellectual heights of an informal national religious establishment.24 21.
Thus, within only five groups, which were distinguished by maximum tree heights, one in addition contained all early successional species.
Building heights were restricted to three storeys or 16.5 metres.
The parallel-jaw gripper also uses two heights: one for grabbing the belt, and the other for moving horizontally above the belt.
We find the highest vertex vp in the part's initial orientation by comparing the heights of all vertices.
Animals were observed as they browsed and the plant species, browsing heights and plant parts browsed were recorded.
At the tropical site, heights to 15 m were measured with a telescoping pole.
We also compared predation across three microhabitats of different heights (ground, 1- 1.5 m and > 3 m).
To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantitatively establish vertical stratification in calling heights in an ensiferan assemblage of an evergreen forest.
We found no correlation between the calling heights and mean dominant frequencies of the species.
Presence of high frequency callers in the canopy would further erode any correlations between call frequency and calling heights.
All leaves on these branches were in full sun and came from heights of 25-35 m above the forest floor.
Similar to previous conditions, except that two grating's heights are used.
The turbulent journey ends on the dizzying heights of a church steeple, at which point the dreamer awakens drenched in sweat.
There were significant differences in mean calling heights between species.
The mean and standard deviation of individual calling heights were calculated for each species.
The ladder enabled us to photograph at heights up to 10.8 m (6 tubes).
To stabilize the camera at greater heights, we employed a telescoping aluminium television mast.
In other words, given a certain amount of information about individuals' heights, every judgement about who is tall is deducible.
Our study revealed vertical stratification of calling heights, with discrete layers corresponding to the canopy, understorey and the ground layer.
There were too few survivors from any dung pile or quadrat in 1993 to use in comparisons of heights.
Individuals within the plots were mapped and their heights were registered.
Instead, randomisation tests were used to investigate whether seedling densities, survival and heights differed significantly between gaps and forest, and between seedling cohorts.
Throughout, a pressure to maintain bilateral symmetry-by matching pairs of front and back vowels at equivalent "heights"- is taken as a guiding principle.
The mean heights browsed by kudu during both seasons were above the reach of impala that selectively picks leaves.
In early successional stages, low species diversity, homogeneous tree heights and small crown extents result in a smooth canopy surface.
A 24-ring flywheel with 1024 heights per thickness with 32 material choices created a huge design space.
Table 5.1, which shows minimum and maximum cell average heights, emphasizes the comparisons.
He says: 'these proportionate enlargements are made in the thickness of columns on account of the different heights the eye has to climb'.
Thus, for given upstream and downstream heights, either the mass or max may be used to parametrize the family of traveling waves.
Furthermore, the higher sward heights associated with restricted rabbit access may further reduce the risk of livestock ingesting pellets.
A balanced return time occurs when the lengths and the heights of the induction towers are approximately of the same size.
If va(x, y) = 0 the heights will be an alternating string for the entire column.
All of the figures display results plotted against radial position as given in scale heights.
Only targets which had estimated masses > 12 mg (and which were detectable over all the heights shown) were used in the density calculations.
To assess the effects of the intensity of harvesting, three step heights were compared in experiment 1a: 5, 22 and 32 mm.
The disc whorls had slightly larger diameters, smaller heights, and similar weights to the bead-shaped whorls.
Floud and his colleagues found that average heights of recruits increased by 2d to 3d over this period.
Effects of cultivations and heights and directions of staking on yield and general performance of eight yam cultivars.
The mean heights are much less varied, and the groups are not strongly separable statistically.
Since the pillars' bases must be increased in size as their heights increase, due to their great length, the truss members' efficiency becomes practically illusory.
The number of homeless deaths reached unprecedented heights.
Varying average heights present some of the most intriguing aspects of this investigation.
The domes range in diameter from 10 to 100 km, with mean diameters and heights of 24 km and 700 m, respectively.
The subsequent improvement in heights means that cohorts who grew up during the 1940s and 1950s enjoyed an improved quality of health and diet.
What is especially noteworthy is the growing disparity in heights during the period we are comparing.
The heights of recruits born during the 1870s were not significantly higher than those who were born in the early 1900s.
Located objects were placed at three heights on top of piles of other objects in the scene.
The normalised standard deviation of the peak heights among all corresponding peaks serves as an internal consistency check.
The heights of the peaks of second harmonic power are higher at greater densities.
Differing heights can also be exploited by angling speakers on the stage edge down to the floor.
On the burning sands where the violent are punished, the raining flakes of fire strike the ground without disintegration, like snow falling on windless heights.
The stalls were surmounted by screens, of varying heights, which shielded the canons from the rigours of the climate.
The three node heights, compared with unit base, are: 0.782, 1.757 and 2.190.
Seldom did weather-boarding reach such architectural heights as this, and seldom did one short platform have such a fine building attached.
The vertical scale must start at 0 so that the heights of each bar can be accurately compared.
Although a number of taxa showed significant variation among canopy heights and sample dates, overall community structure was not distinguishable among levels of these variables.
The heights of tries have been studied by many authors under various models of randomness for the sequences.
The truncation has implications for what we know about heights of boys from female-headed households.
Traces correspond to the results obtained at the indicated heights of fall (right) and fall duration (left).
Plant and ear heights were determined approximately 2 weeks after anthesis.
Each ridge has a distinct contour, with various peaks whose heights reflect evolutionary time.
The poet was to scale the heights, insurmountable for an average human soul.
The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures.
In most age groups, heights were about 4 cm greater and weights were 1-5 kg greater in 1969 than in 1949.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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