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词汇 example_english_hedge

Examples of hedge

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The limited available evidence suggests that, while there is a positive correlation between inflation and salaries, neither is well hedged by equities.
The narrowing margins in these products in turn reduced the cost of hedging barrier options.
Table 3 shows the data for hedges that resulted in statistical significance.
Most notably, younger female speakers use hedges often.
Furthermore, our prototype implementation of an equivalence-checker for hedged bisimilarity also profits from the minimality requirements of hedged bisimilarity.
In the present corpus of spoken discourse, we find only 14% of ke9ilu tokens functioning as hedges.
Product analysis revealed inaccurate use of mechanics and g rammar and, globally, a lack of clear thesis statements, support of claims, transitions, and hedged statements.
The trial design consisted of a control plot without hedges and an adjacent plot with hedges on each farm.
Established hedgerows that are refuges for ancient woodland species may have been grubbed up and replaced by fences or species-poor prunus spinosa (blackthorn) hedges.
Roads and pavements are more likely to accumulate debris washed off fields and hedges, so that there are more hazards for the older pedestrian.
In this paper we consider the problem of hedging options in the presence of cost in trading the underlying asset.
Do they have the required information and are they able to plant and maintain the hedges, and to cope with any problems that arise?
The study aimed to assess the degree of competition between the hedges and the adjacent maize rows.
Thus, there was little evidence for any net eect of the hedges on maize yield when the plots were managed by researchers.
Farmers were able to establish and prune the hedges; however, both activities considerably increased labour use during the busiest period of the year.
Therefore, break-even maize yields were calculated, that is, the increased maize yields required to pay for the costs of establishment and maintenance of the hedges.
People whose normal meetings were hedged about with formalities could come to know each other a little better.
The hedging with ' virtually ' is a second clue that something is amiss.
The term translates as 'sea hedges,' within which a mariner may become trapped at great peril.
Many of the criticisms and suggestions were also mitigated by the use of hedging devices, question for ms, and personal attribution.
We have seen that a self-rephrased utterance (ex. 12) and a hedged utterance (ex. 10) are generally also what is in focus.
The functional itinerary here is fairly straightforward, since hedged material is also what is in focus.
The discussion of null pronouns also affords an opportunity to reinforce the message about hedges.
Trap lines were located along hedges around small gardens and orchards and along irrigation canals inside the ricefields.
Of all investigated hedges, about half of the hedges showed a significant effect of age.
In the present study, the types of hedges are not differentiated a priori.
In the present study, hedges are defined as expressions of uncer tainty, possibility, or tentativeness, all of which convey a sense of vagueness.
As a result, more information-oriented hedges were used in interviews to express approximation, inference, or generalization.
A useful chapter on currency hedging requires some financial background to be understood.
The above approach technically requires that each individual's time to death can be continually hedged, which is obviously unrealistic, with market completeness problems.
The second component contains the hedges against wage risk and interest rate risk.
In order to relate framed and hedged bisimilarity, we need to prove the soundness of hedged bisimilarity up to weakening.
Here, both framed and hedged bisimulation succeed, but in different ways.
Using up-to techniques as defined above, we can give a more precise relation between framed and hedged bisimilarity expressed as categories.
In order to show that this holds for the environment mappings we will define, we investigate consistent hedges and their properties.
In this terminology, substituting a risk-free asset for risky assets in the portfolio is hedging.
On top of that a small premium is added to allow for the cost of hedging the actuarial risks.
Under mortality diversification, the hedging strategy and the investment of the premium coincide.
Each of these factors suggests potential speculative and hedging demand.
What is especially notewor thy is that the younger speakers made much more use of several adverbial hedges than did the older speakers.
The existence of basis risk makes the stock a less attractive hedging vehicle and limits investor 1's hedging trade.
Introducing derivative securities creates new hedging opportunities and increases allocational efficiency.
The discourse content functions demonstrated are contrast, similarity, enumeration, listing within the theme, and hedged disagreement.
The resultant hedges must have been, to say the least, redoubtable.
Now the pretentious sentences and the qualifying afterthoughts, all that hedging with provisos so typical of science talk - all that was now superfluous.
However, enclosure nearly always entailed the production of fences and hedges.
Thus, those tearing down hedges often did so in the name of property, rather than as an affront to it.
The supporters of live fences (hedges) had lost out to the technology of iron and steel.
Arguably, a more diversified portfolio with more ' real assets ' and hedging could have offered better protection.
Lawbreakers were essentially those who left the public highways and trespassed or ripped wood from the roadside hedges and fences.
Moreover, landowners and farmers frequently seemed only too eager to prosecute those who took wood from their hedges, woods or trees.
Valuation of these contingent claims by replication is typically not possible as the wage index cannot be hedged perfectly with financial market instruments.
First, they offer an incomplete menu of hedging opportunities (both in scope and time horizon).
Since correlations are an imperfect guide to the choice of hedging strategy, a portfolio approach is required.
Finally, the evidence on hedging total liability risk indicates that the risk-minimising portfolio contains only a small proportion of equities.
Although his characterisation is hedged, it still suppresses the many proposed "forms" of colour space.
My approach might in a way be seen as hedging one's bets.
The hedges required planting just after the rainy season began when farmers were busy preparing land and planting their crops.
Farmers noted a number of other bene®ts from the hedges.
Should the hedges improve soil fertility, more women might be prepared to make trade-os and prune their hedges.
Both volumes under consideration suggest that it is fully accepted now - no hedging modalities required!
In the scientists' case, hedges turn up often in contexts of popularization, where the author knows that the audience only needs the 'half-truth'.
The overall eects of the hedges were judged to be positive by 60+64% of the farmers in the fourth to seventh seasons.
The second problem was that women did not generally prune the hedges.
At the very least, they were hedging their bets.
What cannot be hedged is the risk that annuity prices might increase as a result of unexpected increases in longevity among the annuitant population.
As noticed in the previous section, once the insurer has valued the contract, he can replicate the stochastic payoffs with a hedging strategy.
Our reason for including the hedging expression in this and other examples is that we are making observations about performance, rather than competence.
The most frequent sub-categor y were hedges, followed by transitions, but considerable var iation was observed between disciplines and type of deg ree.
Firstly, the authors' choices of hedges did not coincide with definitions previously reported in the literature.
We have seen that the position of hedging ke9ilu is flexible in relation to the utterance it modifies.
Within these hedges the court could and, in fact, should proceed.
We begin with some results relating frame-theory pairs and hedges.
Therefore, we can only show a direct correspondence between framed bisimilarity and hedged bisimilarity up to weakening.
The definitions of framed and hedged bisimulation are unchanged.
Since the definitions of hedges and frame-theory pairs are similar, the correspondence is fairly clear.
The hedges investigated here include the following 26 expressions, which were the frequent hedges in my pilot study.
The present study quantitatively investigates to what extent and in which way these three major social variables influence the use of hedges in actual conversations.
However, whether this claim applies to the use of hedges has not yet been investigated.
Regarding hedges, young women's speech may still preserve a larger degree of vagueness, nonasser tiveness, and softness as compared to younger men's speech.
In the present study, hedges are defined as vague expressions whose meaning lexically represents uncer tainty, possibility, tentativeness, and approximation.
The reduction in basis risk increases investor 1's hedging intensity.
As a hedging expression, in some exceptional cases it attenuates the force of a contradiction or a refusal.
The position of hedging ke9ilu relative to the element it hedges is flexible.
However, in the present study hedges were used more often in interviews than in chats.
Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests.
Each power is hedged about with qualifications and bureaucratic safeguards.
Specialists replaced the ordinary labourer in tasks like tending hedges and caring for sheep.
A similar effect is observed in the behaviour of the hedging bandwidth.
The positions of the hedging bandwidth and the optimal rebalance points must all be found.
Historically, the sphere of associationism in modern civil society has always been hedged about by restrictions and selectivity.
Revivalists' speech tore down the hedges around literate men's households, publicizing marital conflict to invading ears.
Predictions were couched in vague language, carefully hedged with qualifiers and crafted to offer an exit strategy if things turned out other than expected.
The debate concerning hedging instruments for pension liabilities has been largely conducted in terms of correlations.
Moreover, the simpler structure of hedges allows a less complex proof of soundness up to weakening than is required for alley bisimilarity.
In general, readers identified many more instances of hedges than were intended by the authors.
The increase in his hedging activity reveals more information about his hedging need through the stock and collar prices.
The younger speakers seemed not only to use hedges often, but also to exploit several varieties of these expressions, as shown in and.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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