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词汇 example_english_heal

Examples of heal

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The geog raphy of place plays a cr itical role in healing.
While the nursing home applies healing, palliative, and custodial technologies, it also provides a framework for signification and description.
They built on medicine as a model for healing, while at the same time playing down medicine's concern with its traditional client: the individual patient.
You are right to know about the beneficial properties of chamomile tea in healing children's stomachaches.
There has been no universally accepted method of describing progress towards healing.
Pressure-reducing devices are effective in improving the healing rate of pressure ulcers.
None of the systemic treatments such as pentoxifylline convincingly improves healing.
If we observe that tw eety flies, there is a good reason to assume that the wound has already healed.
The wound healed completely in 3- 4 days.
The textual unfixity of his bodily injury insinuates its lingeringly irregular character, even though his body has ostensibly healed.
He argued that medicine that depended on anatomy was different from the individual comportment-driven ideas of healing that perpetuated social hierarchies.
The ulcers gradually crust over and healing occurs by re-epithelialisation.
Women took charge of healing as part of their household work without remuneration.
Should the purposes of these technologies be restricted solely to healing or may they be used also to enhance?
Evidence of active myocarditis was present in 16 (52%), resolving myocarditis in 6 (20%), while the rest showed healed or no myocarditis.
The mastectomy wounds first healed normally, but after an interval a secondary infection developed.
Characteristics and consequences of infective endocarditis (active or healed or both) learned from morphologic studies.
There are chapters on rehabilitation, healing and wholeness, education, preaching and worship.
Finally, high-risk abdominal scars may predispose to flap necrosis and/or wound healing problems at the abdominal donor site.
The finger healed and rejoined, even though it was left slightly crooked.
At this time an experimental wound healed rapidly and normally.
Molecular and metabolic evidence for the restricted expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in healing wounds.
Two articles treat the issue of religion and faith within healing practices more ^ directly.
In non-traumatic, non-paraplegic elderly patients with a mean age of 73, 84% of surgically treated pressure ulcers were healed at discharge.
Ultimately healing occurs with secondary thrombosis, causing occlusion of the artery and loss of pulsation.
Observing the direction and magnitude of the score over time indicates whether healing is occurring.
Thus, the process of healing the traumatized political culture has advanced only very, very slowly.
Within 1 day, the itching and burning disappeared, and the dermatitis was healed within 5 weeks.
Such forms of healing are deeply embedded in social life and, against the ostensible hopes of many, show no signs of disappearing.
Although he was unable to cure himself, he discovered many healing remedies for others.
The health professional is seen as central to the work of healing.
In response to these circumstances, this article explores and develops the historical, political and healing significance of truth-telling.
Neither success nor failure in healing are understood to be dependent on an individual's skill.
In the interest of safety, society has required that physicians be licensed to practice the healing art.
A consistent finding is that only antacids promote lesion healing within 6 to 8 weeks in approximately 80% of cases.
The documentation is not as good for ulcers in the stomach, as regards both healing and relapse.
Investigation into the microbial flora of healing and nonhealing decubitus ulcers.
We want a resurrection theory in which (1) the resurrection body appears naturally, and (2) all the defects of the earthly body are fully healed.
In psychotherapy old wounds are healed, hidden conflicts resolved, and unfulfilled potential brought out.
The ultimate lesson of history may be that its fractures can be healed.
I turned a new eye to my baby and was healed.
Evidence suggests that infective endocarditis which healed spontaneously, or was partially treated, may have occurred in 2 such patients.
The mechanism by which galectin-3 regulates wound healing remains to be elucidated.
Many of these factors can further affect hepatic wound healing by influencing neoangiogenesis, inflammation and hepatocyte regeneration.
Perhaps the hand, believed useful both in healing and in magical theft, was his object, or the skull, also considered to have healing powers.
How do we get to a patient-centered, healthcare community that reflects a community of healing?
Finally, the fourth, healing and restorative truth, is truth that places given facts ' in context ' in an attempt to acknowledge individual experiences.
Lyrically the song is concerned with the healing power of love.
In accordance with my thesis it might well be the relationship between singer persona and listener which is said to have healing effects.
Rituals as opportunities for healing and closure were highlighted and regular opportunities to explore spirituality collectively valued.
Dolores taught me that healing is about being allowed to travel together along a journey to places that are most f r ightening to us.
The patient that is suffer ing needs to f ind meaning in that suffer ing bef ore healing takes place.
In the interest of safety society has required that physicians be licensed to practice the healing art.
Examination of pulses and an anklebrachial systolic blood pressure index can assess healing adequacy.
Pretreatment of photoaged forearm skin with topical tretinoin accelerates healing of full thickness wounds.
Ultimately, healing occurs with secondary thrombosis, causing occlusion of the artery and loss of pulsation.
A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of debriding agents in treating surgical wounds healing by secondary intention.
A multinational, placebo-controlled trial in patients healed with an antisecretory drug.
Entrainment music, healing imagery, and the rhythmic language of health and disease.
After trust is established, the therapist and child begin to focus on healing the loss.
Possession by ancestors and the associated gift of healing used to be passed from grandfathers to grandsons.
Spontaneous healing, or healing due to coincidental oral antibiotic therapy, appears to have occurred in 2 patients.
She stresses the healing power of chanting, repetitive patterns and mantric syllables which induce transcendent states that are intrinsically healing.
Under the form of the absent patient, the authentic meaning of that healing becomes visible.
In whole-eye organ culture, a 1 mm central wound involving the full thickness of the epithelium is fully healed by around 18 hours after wounding.
The contribution of transient microcracks to fluid movement, especially along quartz-phyllosilicate interfaces, may be important as there is evidence for polyphase veining and healed fractures.
Second, victims needed to reconcile with their communities - they needed to feel safe and accepted while they healed their injuries and losses.
The neighbourhood was on the mend, healing itself from the wounds inflicted by the road a mere fifty metres away across the bridge.
The universality of shamanism is an indicator of one of its primary functions, as a healing source in its society.
I have occasionally attr ibuted our good f or tune to the healing effects of love.
I was interested in self-healing and then in healing others.
Attending to the pain of their patients helps the carers assuage their own pain and get closer to healing.
If the patient wishes, the chaplain assists them in exploring fears, forgiveness, redemption, and what healing the past means to the patient.
There is no evidence that bacteria impair healing and systemic antibiotics should be given only in the presence of beta-haemolytic streptococcus or frank cellulitis.
In patients with traumatic paraplegia, 74% of operated pressure ulcers were healed at discharge and 76% of patients were free of pressure ulcers.
Accelerating healing in chronic wounds by using these acute wound factors is attractive.
With age, the skin becomes thinner and the risk increases for slowly healing leg ulcers in the lower legs.
Studies have not addressed the value of different strategies in treating duodenal lesions that have not healed completely (approximately 5% to 10%).
In the weakly nonlinear theories outlined below, the singularity in the normal-mode solution is healed by adding unsteadiness and nonlinearity.
The probability of healing was reduced by 10 percent and the probability of not being healed was increased by 10 percent.
Instead, as she realized, the ideological fissures of such contradictions in a female poet's image had to be healed over by the public.
Suffering, healing, and the human condition.
The novel deals with concepts, symbols and feelings, and metaphors such as tuning as a form of healing are much easier to pursue in the printed word than on stage.
A slower healing sequence in older individuals might be caused by a diminished number of cells available to effect the repair.
Attitudes toward active participation in the war opened deep fissures in the movement which, at the extreme, were never healed.
While primarily concerned with the living who requested assistance to be healed, medical professionals also became interested in mortality statistics.
The therapeutic alliance is seen as centrally important in inducing healing qualities of music.
Natural healing methods have been around for ages.
The rubble of human lives is somehow deemed to have been cleared and healed by the ever-changing, ever-grander jumble of concrete, glass and steel.
Thus, healing was about offering the correct inputs to make all individuals retain similar body functions.
Wound healing should be promoted by adherence to aseptic technique.
The involvement of victims and communitarian interests requires a process intended to have both empowering and healing potential.
Each of the processes described in is unlikely to occur unless there is an agent which performs the devouring, revealing, healing and transforming.
The societal/institutional indices are sevenfold, in parallel to the other seven clusters of indicators, namely dwelling, spending, working, nurturing, healing, recreation, and learning.
Smoking is shown to contribute to the occurrence of ulcers and prevents healing.
In a longer perspective, many people are affected by leg swelling, varicose veins, and slowly healing leg ulcers (conditions not addressed in this report).
Disproving the cure's miraculousness necessitated more than asserting a healing potential.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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