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词汇 example_english_graze

Examples of graze

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Influence of structure and composition of ryegrass and prairie grass-white clover swards on the grazed horizon and diet harvested by sheep.
After parasite eggs are accidentally ingested by grazing snails, they develop within the snail and multiply asexually into cercariae.
The paddocks were naturally contaminated with infective trichostrongylid larvae from infected cattle grazing the previous year.
The meadows were grazed by cattle (four herds) or sheep.
Finally, grazing animals or parasitic viruses or microorganisms can limit photon interception and use.
In addition, a profitability equation is estimated parameterizing the grazing decision by using the length of grazing rotation as a variable.
The statistical distribution of trichostrongylid nematodes in grazing lambs.
Previously prominent farms were abandoned as a result of jokulhlaup destruction to homesteads and grazing land.
Entry of sheep was banned while curbs like grazing fee were imposed for other cattle.
The influence of pasture and animal factors on the consumption of pasture of grazing sheep.
Ingestion of faeces by grazing herbivores - risk of inter-species disease transmission.
Where there are s animals being grazed, the expected value of zt is slm with variance ls2s2.
Heterogeneity of soil mineral nitrogen in pasture grazed by cattle.
Therefore, studying the intake and diet composition of animals grazing in the typical steppe is of essential ecological and economical importance.
Effects of sward height and bulk density on bite dimensions of cattle grazing homogeneous swards.
However, wing length asymmetry was significantly higher in flies trapped in fields grazed by doramectin-treated cattle.
The area is dominated by arable land, grazed and abandoned pastures, spruce plantations and deciduous woods.
The manure left in the ®elds by grazing livestock bene®ts the far mers.
When in need during the spring, farmers relied on grazing whole plants of barley.
The gorse and the scrub are not just seen as an impediment to grazing but welcomed as attributes of the common.
Access to the public grasslands under the act is based on grazing permits.
Animals grazing cover crops could compact soil due to excessive animal traffic, especially when the soil is wet.
There is no known literature describing the effect of grazing summer cover crops on subsequent wheat grain yield.
The sustainability and ecophysiology of grazing systems are of growing importance.
Green biomass was reduced by grazing by 55% in relation to the biomass in the total exclosure plots.
Thus, the effects of grazing significantly increased the diversity of more commonly available microhabitat types.
Plant size variation and vertebrate herbivory: winter wheat grazed by rabbits.
The allometry of food intake in grazing ruminants.
Only one species, the granivorous cockatiel, showed a significant response to grazing alone, being more abundant in ungrazed sites.
A nd third, to test the effect of grazing o n composition, primary production a nd on the availability o f forage to livestock.
In addition to burning, grazing by cattle and bison in the tallgrass prairie is also important for plant productivity and maintenance of species biodiversity70.
The different sampling locations are subject to either no grazing, or grazing in autumn or spring.
Little difference in the suitability of the various microsite types was detected between grazed and ungrazed quadrats.
However, there was a very clear difference in the overall abundance of this microhabitat between grazed and ungrazed areas.
The various sampling locations are subject to either no grazing, or grazing in autumn or spring.
There was a significant rabbit grazing soil cultivation seed density interaction for both species.
In our study we assumed that the 3.3 ha permanent grassland would be used for grazing beef cattle.
Calves were unweaned and grazed with adult deer throughout the study.
Effect of long-term changes in relative resource availability on diet preferences of grazing sheep for perennial ryegrass and white clover.
The relation between animal gain and stocking rate: derivation of the relation from the results of grazing trials.
A farmer may adopt different grazing strategies in different seasons.
Earlier range succession models considered one persistent state or climax toward which the rangeland, absent of grazing pressure, continuously moved.
Feed problems have led many communities to set aside special grazing areas with restricted access.
There are restrictions on where animals can be grazed.
Thus, the protection of seedlings from grazing is critical, especially in the early stage of tree growth, to achieve good survival rates.
As pasture becomes scarce and conflict over grazing areas worsens, herd owners adopt more intensive feeding systems that require increasing numbers of adult workers.
Since 1998 it has been recommended to keep grazing cattle separate from human bathing areas and to inform people about the possible hazards.
In many cases after harvest the straw is removed and the stubble grazed by small ruminants, leaving the soil exposed to the strong summer winds.
Impact of grazing management on the carbon and nitrogen balance of a mixed-grass rangeland.
Effects of sheep grazing episodes on sediment and nutrient loss in overland flow.
By the eighteenth century most of the permits granted were used for grazing land, rather than hunting or mineral extraction.
Faecal recoveries of the alkanes of plant cuticular waxes in penned and in grazing sheep.
Plots cut for silage were grazed after the final cut, and undersown cereal plots were grazed after the cereal harvest.
The broad pattern of utilization of grassland by grazing and as conserved forage has been maintained throughout this period.
The sward type within which each animal was grazing was also recorded.
Grazing regime was random and grazing intensity was 10-20 cattle per site allowing complete grazing of the vegetation.
The cattle were then kept in separate but similar conditions and grazed during the day but held overnight in concrete-floored pens that were washed daily.
In addition, the family also enjoyed grazing rights on the common land and the right to collect the acorn harvest.
There was a shortage of grazing grounds because most of the land was used for the cultivation of cash crops.
In the above systems, cattle are grazed throughout the year almost exclusively on grass-alone pastures.
Domestic livestock, mainly cattle, selectively grazed six of the 19 woodlands.
The hectarages where cattle grazed far outnumbered the hectarages receiving chemical fertilizer.
Closed circles represent fields grazed by avermectin-treated cattle and open circles are fields grazed by untreated cattle.
We studied bacterial secondary metabolites of marine and freshwater bacteria in the context of grazing protection.
Immature sandalwood trees are susceptible to burning and damage from grazing stock and require protection and tending during maturation.
Large canal irrigation systems crisscrossed and broke up grazing grounds and converted some of them into cultivable land.
Parasitism and the dynamics of ungulate grazing systems.
Performance and production were determined from periodic weighing of cattle (2.4 - 1.4 times per grazing season with 20 - 11 days in each period).
Average daily gain was calculated from total weight gain divided by the number of cattle and grazing days in a season.
However, there is little available literature describing the effect of grazing cover crops on subsequent grain yield.
A pasture system once in balance may not require commercial fertilizer inputs, especially if grazed animals consume feed supplements from off-farm sources.
In spite of this, the number of infective larvae on herbage had increased slightly in the paddock grazed by the control animals.
They were maintained exclusively on grazing during the daytime with the provision of night shelter.
The area was previously covered by forest and had until 2000 never been grazed by domesticated animals.
In addition, two experiments were performed in 2003 on pasture previously grazed by naturally infected sheep.
Cattle may be grazed or indeed housed some distance from the identified farm of origin, possibly in neighbouring postcode districts.
Cooperation between different neighborhoods took the form of granting grazing access to herders who were temporarily passing through the area.
Simultaneously, monthly pasture larval burden data were also generated from the pastures grazed by these goats.
From the faecal pat the eggs can directly contaminate herbage which is then available to grazing animals.
Each landowner would make a comparison of costs and benefits, taking into account the damage to grazing from increasing the herd.
On the face of it, a change in diamond prices should be of no consequence for grazing behaviour.
Maintaining species composition under grazing in these grasslands depends on careful management during the establishment events.
We expect a negative sign of the coefficient of both variables on whether there are violations of grazing restrictions or not.
When grazing through official impressions and perspectives, all three authors share a shar p eye for telling anecdotes.
Such changes resulted in the end of the traditional practice of grazing woodland areas, thus allowing the natural regeneration of species such as birch.
Today this is grazing land for sheep, as most of the surrounding area has been since the founding of the abbey.
There are subsidies for keeping sheep on farms where there is poor grazing in the hills.
Philosophical introductory material leads to six central chapters giving a highly factual account of growth, production, grazing ecology, sward management and animal husbandry.
Herders were also asked about their kraaling practices, grazing areas and water-points.
The extent of village forest and commons management institutions has a negative but insignificant impact on grazing dependency.
He followed this with experiments in which stocking rate was shown to have major effects on animal production from grazed swards.
As stocking rate increases sward utilization improves, but at the cost of lowered output per head, because of grazing severity restricting animal intake.
High levels of grazing pressure/utilization result in the loss of more productive species, except in areas where the natural fertility and rainfall is high.
The relative importance of cattle grazing in subtropical grasslands: does it reduce or enhance plant biodiversity?
Thus, control strategies, which are complementary to the use of anthelminthics and grazing management, are sought.
The easiest season for grazing throughout the country was the three months of the rains, and a few days after harvests.
Much of the technical detail comes from commercial rangeland systems, which have often been under grazed for a relatively short time.
There were controls on grazing such as between dry and wet season grazing, and collective sanctions were imposed against any individual herding prematurely.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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