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词汇 example_english_granular

Examples of granular

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Like most granular synthesis programs its primary concern was the distribution of grains of sound in time.
Traditionally in granular synthesis the parameters of the grains are continually changing, even if only by the smallest amounts.
The follicle cells have an ovoid nucleus containing a large prominent nucleolus with a conspicuous granular component.
Concentric-whorled membranes, having a granular appearance resembling the ribosomes of rough endoplasmic reticulum, float in the pseudocoelom between somatic muscles, reproductive tract and intestine.
The fundamental density control (xfund/xdens) works identically in both modules, the change in terminology simply reflecting the timbral and granular usage.
In vocal synthesis this was to be expected but for granular synthesis it was a hindrance.
Note the granular appearance of the cytoplasm and the presence of areas of expanded granular endoplasmic reticulum (gar).
The outer layer of the oocyst wall consisted of an osmiophilic layer, 0-08 thick, with a loose granular coat.
Elongate sporocysts are 12-0 x 5-5 /tm, and contain a granular residuum.
The non-granular areas contain numerous round, membrane-bound, electron-lucent vesicles.
We hope that these preliminary results will open a new route to a systematic derivation of hydrodynamic-like equations for granular systems.
The concept of metaphoric instruments can be explored both within the class of instruments based on particle simulation for granular synthesis and in other classes.
The discrete event-based nature of granular synthesis suggested the rainfall metaphor used in the device, which then indicated a watering can as an appropriate controller.
Current controllers for granular synthesis abstract away the details of the synthesis engine.
The granular cause of igneous fabrics is often complex and the magnetic lineation cannot invariably be linked to flow direction.
The cornea is frequently involved, with 353 in this series having multiple small dendritic or stellate lesions and 294 granular deposits under the corneal epithelium.
Afferent and efferent subcortical projections of behaviorally defined sectors of prefrontal granular cortex.
In the octopus retina, dynein localization was distinctly granular; epifluorescence microscopy showed that it was more prevalent in the ventral than dorsal retina.
All normallooking morulae had nuclei with well-developed mature nucleoli, in which fibrillar centres as well as granular components were observed.
The chromatin was homogeneously distributed and the reticulated nudeoli (one or two visible per section) contained the classical fibrillar and granular components.
The cytoplasm of normal blastomeres was occupied by vacuoles with electron-dense granular material and large lipid drops.
Histological examination revealed aggregates of large polygonal cells with a granular and vacuolated cytoplasm throughout the myocardium of all four chambers.
The theory is compared with experimental observations of dispersion in flow through granular beds.
The most abundant immune cell in the first trimester decidua is the large granular lymphocyte.
Under the microscope it has a foliated, almost hypidiomorphic granular texture with no cataclasis and few strained grains.
Their surfaces may be smooth to slightly granular.
The latter has a somewhat spiral form, the protoplasm being alveolar and at times showing a granular structure.
Granular noise is textured impulses, and need not be dominant in a spectromorphology.
Granular time-stretching is perhaps the single most effective approach, as it contributes to all three of the variables just described.
The process of granular synthesis is very similar to that of natural sound creation.
Granular synthesis is but one of the many exciting ways to create sound digitally.
Alternatively, the grain streams can be independent, producing not a unified timbre but a complex granular texture.
Large vesicles are present, probably for lipid storage, whilst the greatest area is occupied by micro-aggregates of granular material.
At this stage, the layer has a smooth inner and outer surface ; its granular cytoplasm contains small mitochondria and lamellate membranous structures extending laterally throughout.
The water content without irrigation was 7.8% and with irrigation 8.9 or 8.6%, respectively, for liquid and granular fertilizer.
The matrix of the sucker tegument was less dense than that of the body tegument, and appeared granular (figs 2 and 3).
Numerous granular cystogenous cells extend from level of pharynx to posterior end of body throughout entire width of body.
By bending the knee, the dancer could balance the audio level and mix of granular and cellular components.
The ectoplasm of the protomerite develops a thickened cap at its anterior extremity: the endoplasm is densely granular and appears brown to transmitted light.
In general, however, the membrane-bound inclusions are found outside the granular areas, within areas of less granular, more electron-lucent cytoplasm.
Within the cytoplasm there are several kinds of granular and vesicular inclusions similar to those observed in other parts of the epidermis.
The areas of moderately electron-dense granular material generally occupy the proximal regions of the body epidermis and are not found within the nucleated sub-epidermal regions.
Often within these granular areas there are small numbers of both electrondense and electron-lucent, membrane-bound vesicles.
Occasionally, areas of more electron-dense material were observed in the proximal regions of these granular areas close to the basal membrane.
The digital prints were created from a scanned synthesis string, a physical model of a flute, and granular synthesis piano.
The granular synthesis is made tangible by providing the performer with physical grains that can be manipulated by hand.
They appeared with a membrane-like material or a granular material of different densities, often associated with small vesicles.
Their surface is shiny and shows by transparency a granular structure produced by countless spherical oocytes at different stages of development.
In the mid-previtellogenic follicles the follicle cells became more active and their cytoplasm has vesicles containing granular material.
At the interface, both micro- and macrovilli delimit lacunae containing granular material.
Note the granular appearing staining of the nucleoplasm.
The isolation of intact cortical granules from sea urchin eggs: calcium ions trigger granular discharge.
In all species it was reported that there are four solid envelopes separated by four fluid/granular gaps.
However, shear-bands in real granular materials have a thickness of several grain diameters.
Plane shear waves under a periodic boundary disturbance in a saturated granular medium.
Under electron microscopy, areas of sarcomeric disorganisation are replaced by remnants of electron-dense granular and filamentous material (g -i).
The granite and albite granite are medium-grained, whereas the microgranite is relatively fine-grained, and all facies show hypidiomorphic granular textures.
Medium-grained, granular with randomly oriented prismatic highly altered plagioclase crystals and secondary hornblende.
Diorites display granular to micrographic texture, and are characterized by primary and secondary plagioclase, hornblende and pyroxene.
Freezing and thawing can have profound effects on moist, granular materials.
However, most granular synthesis algorithms are not constructed in such a way as to provide sufficient timbral precision for frequency domain work.
The very features of its synthesis-by-rule approach which made its use for timbral imitation so user-friendly limited its flexibility for granular synthesis.
Traditional granular approaches are capable of producing convincing results in terms of generating textures from sound files.
Granular synthesis applied to samples of cuica sounds produced intriguing and unpredictable results with interesting gestural energy.
The piece consists of two musical compositional elements: a granular patch and a cellular patch.
Besides these forms we succeeded in finding large numbers of granular globular bodies of various sizes.
The script simultaneously creates a granular audio stream with continuously varying densities, centre frequency, bandwidth and regularity.
The nucleus is situated posterior to the centre, the endoplasm appears coarsely granular and is profusely vacuolated.
The granular distribution of the prion-derived peptides within the cells indicated that the translocation process involves endocytotic processes.
Subjects reported that the metaphor of falling water is very intuitive and aids in the understanding of the granular synthesis process.
Granular electron-dense material was present between the plasma membranes of some adherent (but largely degranulated) eosinophils and the tegument.
The outer layer can be seen to consist of an osmiophilic part with a granular coat.
Secretory inclusions observed in the excretory bladder of this species were membrane-bound and contained fine granular material of moderate electron density (fig. 14).
Trough cross-beds with set thicknesses of 0.3 to 0.5 m occur in sandstone which is coarse, very coarse or slightly granular.
Strain related to initial buckling and limb rotation was mostly accommodated through intra-granular crystal plastic processes.
Call-types can be more granular for some data collections/applications.
Granular texture is due to mitochondria in optical cross section.
Both experiments examined the status of the granular retrosplenial cortex following a unilateral anterior thalamic lesion.
Respiration rates for granular fertilizer were lower than for liquid fertilizer, which can be explained by less homogeneous nutrient distribution for granular application.
A strong example of this is at 11'30"-12'23", where granular streams articulate gestural patterns of accumulation and dissipation.
Note the granular appearance indicating the presence of cortical granules.
At the first objective examination (1997), the macula had a severe granular appearance.
Their fillings are granular materials whose stability under freezing conditions has not been demonstrated.
The granite and albite granite are medium-grained and exhibit a hypidiomorphic granular texture.
Most cherts are massive and granular, or show fine parallel lamination.
The section coarsens upwards, with granular sandstone and conglomerate becoming more common within the dark units.
The integration of onboard global positioning systems and 3d mapping data allows the forest to be farmed on a highly granular level.
Plane shear waves and loss of stability in a granular body.
One area has more circular to oval disc-like structures with and without granular surfaces.
The grain boundaries of minerals (orthopyroxene and spinel) are in direct contact and also form triple junctions defining typical granular texture.
As a sediment source, production of coarse, platy intraclasts and finer granular sediments occurred through the erosion of these sediments.
The gland contains glycogen deposits, and rough endoplasmic reticulum distended into cisternae with granular material.
The granular secretory bodies also exhibited marked differences in electron density, varying from electron lucent (fig. 2), to electron dense (fig. 3).
Tissue macrophages which differentiate from blood-borne monocytes, large granular lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leucocytes are the main cell types involved in nonadaptive immunity.
To be sure, the issue is not unique to compositional work with granular synthesis processing methods.
Tone-like sounds are associated with non-granular simple textures, whereas granular and more complex textures correspond to noise-like sounds.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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