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词汇 example_english_grammar

Examples of grammar

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
We must still explain those instances where grammars are abandoned in the process of acquisition.
They are clearly related to term grammars but the paper does not explain the relationship.
We may assume that grammars are stored so that the productions for each variable are kept together and ordered.
The construction is similar to that for discriminative term grammars.
We assume that the non-terminals appearing in the two grammars to be operated on are renamed apart.
We will consider specifications given by means of extended term grammars.
Now, the operations on grammars of section 2.1.1 can be easily extended.
The treatment of constraints by the formalism of extended term grammars is rather rough.
A particular approach to the developmental problem is to use the tools of comparative syntax to uncover the differences between adult and child grammars.
Inside parsing became more and more competitive with larger grammars.
We are looking into compilation of such high-level descriptions of transformation rules into attribute grammars.
The initial generic grammars for chunking and clause recognition are designed to cover the most frequent phenomena in a restrictive sense.
Figure 2 shows the results in cross entropy of the three grammars.
With the erosion of pragmatic and semantic features, the grammars of bilinguals tend to converge at the mor phosyntactic level.
The results indicate that the development of the two grammars is basically autonomous, but cross-language effects are also present, although not in both children.
The propagation of such grammars in successive generations of individual learners defines the dynamics of language change.
Recall that the fitness of individual grammars is defined in terms of their penalty probabilities (2), repeated in (4).
Since any stylistic method must rely on stylistic codification of some kind, such style markers in dictionaries, grammars, usage texts andfiguresof speech references are discussed.
Indeed, although finite-state grammars embed complex relations, the coding of fairly simple patterns appears sufficient to account for improved performance in transfer situations.
One would not conclude, however, that knowledge of such structures is absent from the grammars of adults ; the same goes for children.
We postpone a formal presentation to section 4.4, where we deal with a generalization of grammars discussed here.
A more formal presentation is given in section 4 where we introduce a generalization of term grammars.
He states that ' most languages seem to have this kind of economically representable grammars ', but also notes that articulatory and acoustic constraints counteract this tendency.
Chapter 2 introduces traditional phrase structure grammars and shows that their atomic categories make it difficult to capture subcategorization and agreement dependencies efficiently.
Once the relevant morphology is acquired, children overapply the morphology in systematic ways until they finally expunge ungrammatical forms from their grammars.
They allow parsers for reasonably complex grammars to be constructed rapidly and accurately.
Multilingual grammars, where one abstract syntax has many parallel concrete syntaxes, can be used for reliable and meaning-preserving translation.
We first review the standard definitions for tree grammars since we shall have to extend these to handle the complexities of mode checking.
Since the grammars do have to cover real-world language, they deal with aspects of language not normally found in linguistic textbooks, such as dates.
We then find that these ' dysfunctionalist ' principles generate the same types of grammars as the functionalist ones.
Generalized context-free grammars, head grammars, and natural language.
However, there is no evidence to support the postulation of grammars in which nuclei are always required to branch.
Perhaps one of the reasons why teachers tend to focus on grammatically oriented lessons is the availability of prescriptive grammars and textbooks.
In particular, they cannot handle grammars which contain left-recursion.
What a language-game analysis applied to religion shows is that there is not one but many grammars of faith.
Under the mini-grammars view, this would simply be a stipulation imposed on the multiple grammars of one language.
Successful composition of the full constraint set into different grammars requires all the constraints to share a single domain.
The statements in (26)-(29) target the pieces of melody that particular grammars elect to suppress in the relevant neutralising contexts.
Individual grammars do not require that underlying segments must be parsed ; they just have the power to block their parsing.
If individuals in a community can have different grammars, there also needs to be a theory of how much difference is allowed between the individuals.
By modelling construction-specific phonology as separate grammars, co-phonology theory makes no predictions for locality effects.
Different theories can be tested via tuning and adaptation of lexicons and grammars.
Constraint-based grammars in general, and lexicalist constraint-based grammars in particular, tend to store lots of grammatical information in the lexicon.
However, speakers whose doubling rates greatly differ (ranging from 10% to 83%) may be operating with different grammars.
When analysing a language with pregroup grammars, we are thus led to replace the free pregroup by a free compact strict monoidal category.
As different reductions give rise to different semantical interpretations, transitions are an indispensable step from pregroup grammars to discourse representation.
Learning semantic grammars with constructive inductive logic programming.
The nlg module generates responses using a combination of hand-crafted templates and grammars, plus the same domain-specific lexicons used by the qra.
The idea of constructing such multilingual linguistic resources - generation grammars included - is certainly intuitively appealing for a number of reasons.
Such grammars can be very large, however, presenting obvious problems for their subsequent practical use in parsing.
There is more of a sparse data problem with extracted grammars than with hand-designed grammars.
We will then introduce two distinct approaches to inducing this higher level organization from our extracted grammars.
Current efforts include the ability to adapt user-specified grammars to work on these archived token lists.
One of the reasons to associate probabilities with grammars is to retrieve the most probable analyses that can generate a given input sentence.
Semantic grammars were introduced as an engineering methodology, which allows semantic knowledge to be easily included in the system.
In this section we show how - under certain conditions - dependencies can be derived from specifications using grammars.
I argue that the individual patterns differ not only quantitatively but also qualitatively, and that, consequently, different grammars must be proposed for individual authors.
An initial, nonexhaustive list of possible individual grammars is provided in (11).
Second, language use is inherently variable, and there is evidence of multiple grammars in mature speakers during the course of language change.
In the meantime, competing nontarget grammars are probabilistically accessed by the child learner, resulting in variation (nonuniformity) in child language.
Over the past years, many more ambitious and specialized shape grammars have been developed in response to a variety of design problems.
Section 4 describes internal representations of designs in the form of hierarchical hypergraphs and hypergraph grammars used by design agents to derive these hypergraphs.
Optimal configuration design: an integrated approach using grammars.
The expression ' change in grammars ' can be taken in the literal sense only if the social dimension is not excluded from consideration.
If children are solving this task, then we can conclude that they must have some prior knowledge guiding their selection of grammars.
If one allows the child to hypothesize multiple possible non-finite grammars, the problem only gets worse.
Can a human learner, given an input sentence, identify the set of all grammars compatible with it ?
Is there a formal property of grammars that would reveal which stand in s-s relations ?
Atomistic functionalism claims that there is a direct linkage between functional motivations and 'properties of particular grammars ' (174).
Secondly, a single individual may produce variability on account of a number of ' grammars ' (as understood in earlier theoretical terminology) in his command.
Here, the only bias is the allowance for the possibility of hierarchical structure implicit in the choice of context-free grammars.
Having this extra lexicon would surely constitute a qualitative difference between child and adult grammars.
Just collecting together all those grammars is a major logistical task.
The six central articles offer a coherent approach to the topic, using linguistic theory to help us understand the characteristics of learner grammars.
Such finite-state grammars consist of meaningless letter patterns ordered by means of an abstract algorithm.
What are the proper ties of shape grammars that make them useful for engineering?
Shape grammars are also capable of such an analysis through the use of labels.
Shape grammars consist of a rule set that describes how to put shapes together, much like productions systems.
There has been a limited application of shape grammars to engineering design.
Shape grammars as expert systems design, the rule set can be examined to determine the key elements that were included in the design.
Shape grammars are essentially a rule set defining how shapes in a set can be modified.
Interestingly, the grammars which result from transfer of grammatical features are compatible with natural languages to which the child has not been exposed.
Bilingualism with respect to ®rst language acquisition means that the child has two grammars, one with agreement and the other without, for example.
If we understood the matter at the right level of detail, it could reveal that a child silently considers and rejects 20 grammars a day.
The resurgent interest in prosody is thus linked to the more careful scrutiny of the voice in grammars from the seventeenth century onwards.
Finally, the characterisation of all change as simplificatory presumes a view of change as constantly creating ever simpler grammars.
Shape grammars were created to explain, in a computational and visually understandable way, how designs are generated within a particular design language.
As the study evolved, it was realized that these two grammars could not be fully independent.
The nonclassical representation employed by shape grammars is closely tied to a computational term popular in recent years: emergence.
Taken into graduate design studios, grammars like this have been the impetus for a remarkable series of design projects.
Thus, we can only provisionally interpret the constraint subhierarchy in as universal, pending detailed study of the relevant grammars.
The role of education, prescriptive grammars, and attitudes/evaluations (including variation used for characterization in literary texts after 1700) is sadly neglected.
The trouble began with the 17thcentury grammars, which tried to formulate a simple rule to cover the use of the two verbs.
What would you consider to be the core of a grammatical system which all grammars must explain first?
Hundreds and hundreds of grammars have been published over the centuries, all with slightly different purposes and in different traditions.
Instead, we argue that the child actually retains two different grammars.
In a sense, the question of change over time is the logically subsequent question to the question of how to represent grammars in con-ict.
The reason is that it is only in the bilingual sentence (really in the clause) that two grammars are in contact.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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