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词汇 example_english_glottal

Examples of glottal

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In speech, narrowing is used to change resonance in sounds that already have constriction at the glottal and epiglottal levels.
However, alternations show that in some cases these glottal stops are epenthetic.
I know of no analyses in the literature that assume that glottal stop is ever the product of spreading.
The uvular fricatives are realised as postvelar or velar fricatives, and the uvular /q/ is pronounced as a glottal stop.
We have just seen that glottal constriction creates strong feature-economy effects.
Figure 2 presents a video image of a phonating glottis, with glottal vocal folds adducted and ventricular folds and aryepiglottic folds in their open positions.
On the other hand, she uses glottal closure invariably before final voiceless plosives.
The majority of the 145 vowels are accompanied by secondary laryngeal, pharyngeal or glottal articulations.
In fact, 68 % of tokens have voicing throughout the interval where the glottal articulation is perceived.
Note that the prevocalic insertion of the glottal stop is not limited to word-initial positions and is thus more indicative of morphemic than word boundaries.
The glottal vocal folds can oscillate anteriorly along the ligamental glottis, while remaining open posteriorly.
All of these observations present a much more complex picture of states of the glottis than the mono-valve, mono-dimensional glottal continuum model described above.
The occurrence of the glottal stop is an automatic result of phonetic implementation, which cannot give rise to phonological contrast.
The other two show equally strong positive associations between laryngealised sounds and glottal stops, and between ejective sounds and glottal stops.
In such a pattern, nasal harmony would be facilitated by substituting a nasal or glottal stop for an obstruent stop or by deleting the latter.
The work cited shows that this approach allows a uniform representation for glottal consonants cross-linguistically while still accounting for their various types of ' unmarked ' behaviour.
Glottal stop (and rare [h]) can only occur at word edges.
The glottal stop is the only consonant that, like the voiced pharyngeal, bears the feature [jconstricted glottis] (we return to this point shortly).
In contrast, the general epenthetic consonant of the language is glottal stop.
However, the same is true of glottals, especially glottal stop.
Similarly, the statistical analysis suggests a highly significant difference in glottal transparency between normal and apraxic speech.
All stops are underlyingly voiceless, but differ in their degree of aspiration and glottal tension.
However, it should be noted that these sequences do not invariably result in a glottal realization.
Around this ground element, one hears percussive gestures, staccato sounds, patterns of repeated sounds, high vibratos or fluttering sounds, glottal stops and multiphonics.
In use of the glottal stop, we note an increasing use suggested for (p) and a persistent use suggested for (k).
The glottal variant in this context is marginal all the way through.
If no oral gesture was detected, the glottal gesture was further classified as either a glottal fricative or a glottal stop.
Such forms can in theory be produced without any accompanying glottal closure.
The five frequently used variant labels were [t], [d], flap, nasal flap, and glottal stop.
Although most disagreement in the study involved glottal stop and [t] (and never deletion), tokens transcribed with glottal stops were excluded from the final dataset.
Eleven letters have standard names that end with a glottal stop /?/.
First, the glottal stop is not spreading to utterance-final position, where 'th' still occurs.
Data such as thirteen, fourteen, settee, guarantee, etc. can exhibit glottal stop.
The [!] was used to symbolise the glottal catch.
Firstly, the alveolar closure is replaced with a glottal stop.
In the latter measure, glottal stops were counted as stop consonants.
I do not believe, however, that the glottal stop could be the non-syllabic counterpart of [a], because it is not a vocoid.
At the onset of modal phonation (plain voicing), the sound spectrum changes from noise to the quasi-periodicity that is characteristic of a regular glottal pulse.
In the case of spirant debuccalisation (26d), the remaining element is (h), with glottal location this time automatically implementing bare friction.
While creaky phonation may result in glottal wave quasi- or a-periodicity, breathy phonation may also disrupt the transmission of a periodic glottal vibration.
Anticipating my conclusion, when a periodic glottal wave is either obscured or not present, the acoustic signal cannot encode a salient pitch value.
The list contained stimuli with word-medial stops contrasting for the voicing or glottal spreading feature that is at issue here.
Even the glottal stop is not systematically deleted.
In the cases we study, the distribution of glottalisation appears to be governed by syllable structure, not by glottal timing.
Recall that in glottalised stops and affricates the low acoustic energy of the oral closure precedes the high acoustic energy of the glottal release.
The end of the formant transition was set at the end of the last glottal pulse that differed from the preceding ones in formant frequency.
The first two comparisons show no positive association between implosives and either glottal stops or laryngealised sounds.
Whenever hiatus is created by morphological concatenation, it is resolved either by glottal stop epenthesis or by changing the first vowel into a glide.
The walls that define the pharyngeal airspace around the glottal and epiglottal areas are expanded.
The glottal variant in word-final contexts accelerates fast and early for all the children.
Then in 1997-1998 it catches up and supersedes the glottal variant.
When [?] appears in isolation, this effect is achieved by a glottal stop.
The varieties without a glottal stop are used by a female speaker, and the one with a glottal stop by a male speaker.
The environment for glottal stop epenthesis is the left edge of the foot in his account.
However, why should higher air pressure have an effect only on lateral displacement of the oral and glottal walls?
Glottal constriction will only precede stop release if the reduced article is pre-glottalized (glottally reinforced).
All of these verb forms lost the second syllable (including the glottal stop), and from these contracted forms a new stem shape was generalized.
Figure 2 shows that glottal reinforcement is favoured more by males than by females (p 0n001), particularly so with older speakers.
From a sociolinguistic perspective, glottal reinforcement and glottal replacement cannot easily be ranged on a lenition scale with the glottal stop as the most lenited.
Although glottal realisations in turn-final positions are rare, we are obliged to try to find the rules that govern the exceptions.
Aspiration of word-initial 0f0 consists of pronouncing the fricative, labiodental, voiceless segment 0f0 as a fricative, glottal, voiceless segment 0h0.
Among the nonlocal-parent girls, the internal constraints of following place and following glottal state are selected as significant.
In addition to [t], there was also glottal stop, as in (2).
In order to see this effect, however, we must disentangle the [t] variants from the glottal variants in wordmedial and word-final contexts separately.
Thus, for example, both the glottal stop and the vowel [a] are characterized by a primary [guttural] feature.
Initial glottal stops were not considered when calculating reliability ; vowel-only words were also excluded since vowel differences did not contribute to overall variability.
However, as the reviewer points out, there are no denominal verbs derived from bases with [a] that have a medial glottal stop.
The situation with a nasalised glottal stop is different, however.
As it turns out, however, a reliable and stable pitch percept which derives from glottal vibration may be disrupted during non-modal phonation.
Glottal aperture may also affect pitch, interacting in complex ways with airflow, subglottal pressure and also supraglottal stricture.
As we see in (29), if this constraint is high-ranked, glottal stop epenthesis will be ruled out.
The examples in (20a) show that the prefix does not have glottal stop underlyingly.
Phonetically, glottalised obstruents are ejectives, involving glottal release after oral release.
As can be seen in (38), there is a correlation between syllabic position and the pattern of glottal timing.
Others have used metaphors such as a 'flute-like tone ', with excess air flowing past the vibrating glottal fold with turbulence.
When stress is not final, and the glottal thus does not surface, the hiatus may be resolved by vowel deletion.
Most notably, there was little consistency on glottal transcription, with transcribers agreeing that the realization of a canonical 0t0 or 0d0 was a glottal stop only 33% of the time.
The additional symbols num and n?m represent a mid central unrounded vowel and the glottal stop, respectively.
Perhaps the most important contribution of the statistics is to show that the variation cannot easily be explained away by the existence of two heavy glottal users.
In addition, the enriched analysis in w3.6 handles the more complex syllable structure and the use of a glottal stop to separate adjacent vowels at morpheme boundaries.
To summarise, the comparisons examined in this section support the characterisation of all laryngealised and glottalised sounds by a single feature, [constricted glottis], shared also with glottal stops.
To conclude, we have found no tendency for ordinary implosives to associate with any type of glottalised or laryngealised sound, or with glottal stops, in sound inventories.
If all implosives bore the feature [constricted glottis], we would expect them to show a strong positive association with other glottal sounds (glottal stops, laryngealised sounds and ejectives).
Syncope in this language creates an opportunity for an obstruent stop to appear before a consonant, but the resulting cluster surfaces with an initial glottal stop.
The glottal articulation in such segments results in a build-up of air pressure, usually a function of raising the sealed larynx and constricting the pharyngeal walls.
The younger the speaker, the more likely they were to glottal with a vowel following.
When glottal replacement proper began to become established, t-to-r ceased to be the dominant lenition process.
Rather, he accepts cases where sufficient descriptions are given that allow an interpretation of either pre-glottalisation or of glottal replacement.
He reported 5% of /t/s realised as glottal stops among the 24-71 age groups compared to 29% among those aged 7-19.
In fact, of all 945 tokens of pre-pausal /t/, there was not a single case of a glottal stop.
He shows that the left edge of the foot is the most important context for glottal stop insertion.
Glottal stops are acquired first and rise quickly in frequency over the first two years.
Glottal consonants permitted everywhere, both in onsets and in codas.
The additional data provided show that a glottal stop may appear adjacent to a sonorant, without deriving a glottalised sonorant.
On this assumption, the phonology must stagger the oral and glottal gestures of a segment so that each may be recovered in speech perception.
Consider first the distribution of the glottal stop.
Data are also given to show that a glottal stop may appear adjacent to a stop, whether ejective or not.
Second, by appealing to the differences in perceptual cues for the two glottal properties so distinguished, a grammar can then be constructed as follows.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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