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词汇 example_english_girl

Examples of girl

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
What happens when boys try to join in girls' games?
Fifty-two girls and forty-three boys studied the recorder, fourteen girls and ten boys the violin, and six boys and nine girls learned guitar.
More boys than girls appeared to be concerned about the importance of friends opting for the same subjects.
The girls did pay attention, and work in classes, and the boys didn't.
The majority of boys thought that they were better at this than girls (forty-two) and the majority of girls disagreed with this (forty-seven).
One outcome of the analysis is the development of a concept of 'female musical subculture' to interpret girls' and women's participation in the compositional world.
There was only a small, 6% difference in the overall accuracy of response given by girls versus boys.
The teachers assessed both boys and girls to be progressively more skilful, the worse the quality of provision in the school.
The bilingual children (12 boys, 9 girls; mean age 4;6 years) had three different backgrounds.
The intervention group included 13 boys and 17 girls, selected from the six classrooms that participated in the intervention, five children per classroom.
There were 13 boys and 15 girls from the preschool and 14 boys and 18 girls from the first grade.
Adolescent girls were also involved in fish-processing, helping adult women: they cleaned grills, packed fish, filled cans with different preservatives and so on.
The only sequela of the operation is then the sternotomy scar, which can cause psychological prejudice, especially in girls.
On infection, girls become normal boys and boys become normal girls.
Boys may be required to verbalize and express themselves more than girls.
The girl's return could come about in various ways.
At that time, 152 girls and women - including 21 over age 60 - lived in the foundling home.
Moreover, after the death of a parent, and especially when the father died, girls were also more likely to enter service.
The decision to enter service was often taken by the girl's parents against the background of a distress-ridden household.
The largest differences were found in 1891-1895 when there ° were 16 per cent more boys than girls.
Similarly, girls' lack of participation in lower brass and percussion and in popular music is evident in schools and professional environments.
Their main focus was girls' preferences, and they sought to determine whether the rise of feminism and affirmative action had produced any effect.
The significance of the differences between boys and girls was measured with a two-way t-test.
In brief, two groups of children were studied, each containing 11 children (6 boys, 5 girls).
We thus expected that in an inductive analysis girls would cluster primarily into the rapid cluster and boys into the slow cluster.
The number of boys and girls was approximately the same.
First, the more rapid neurological development of girls would support their accelerated rate of lexical development relative to boys.
Half of the children were boys and half were girls.
Others would marry educated girls who had rich parents, and after a couple of years send them back home and keep their money.
Thus, we anticipated that physical victimization would be more strongly related to externalizing behaviors for boys than for girls.
Prepubertal girls without a history of adversity showed low levels of depression regardless of their exposure to recent stress.
As noted earlier, information was available about menarcheal status for an additional 15 girls.
Prepubertal girls exposed to low or moderate adversity rarely experienced significant depression regardless of their level of stress 0-17%!.
Consistent with prior literature, girls were more depressed than boys.
Moreover, trajectories of relational aggression may differ for boys and girls.
The role of relational aggression in identifying aggressive boys and girls.
At 6 months of age, boys were as likely as girls to look away from the frustrating event and toward something else.
In addition to intercept differences, it is possible that boys and girls exhibit different growth patterns in relational aggression.
As a result, girls' use of relationally aggressive strategies may increase at faster rates than boys' over this developmental period.
Overall, then, evidence suggests that relational aggression is more common among girls during elementary school.
Across groups, girls are significantly more likely than boys to report using forms of negative communication during a conflict.
Therefore, it is unclear whether older girls will report more negative interpersonal expectancies than will younger girls.
Interestingly, in this study the positive effects in reducing behavior problems pertained mainly to girls.
Separate models were computed for boys and girls.
We found that girls were actually more likely than boys to display increased hostility in the presence of increased interparental conflict.
They reflect mean level differences between boys and girls while holding the pattern of the relationships between teacher support and the outcomes invariant.
Adopted girls at genetic risk became depressed only if there was serious psychopathology in the rearing adoptive parents.
In other words, adverse family environments were important only in girls who were at genetic risk for depression.
Physical aggression towards boys and girls in families characterized by the battering of women.
There is evidence that relational difficulties are more significantly related to psychopathology for girls than for boys.
Another future direction would be to examine the childhood risk factors that have been posited to result in significant psychopathology during adolescence for girls.
Perhaps a similar approach would be useful for understanding the childhood problems of girls.
Such differences raised the possibility that boys and girls might have had different experiences of maternal emotion during the wait.
Indeed, the magnitude of the correlations between maternal observed anger and reported negative emotions were significantly greater for girls than for boys.
We wondered whether girls' divorce scenarios indicated worries about the well-being of the postdivorce family.
Thus, the present study examined whether children, and specifically, girls who experienced enmeshed family interactions at 24 months will display depressive symptoms in middle childhood.
If the moderation effects varied based on gender, follow-up regressions were conducted separately for boys and girls; there were no significant interactions involving age.
Temperamental characteristics of three- to four-year-old boys and girls and child - family interactions.
Differing normative beliefs about aggression for boys and girls.
Alternatively, though, harassment of girls may continue to escalate into the high school years.
The group consisted of 10 girls and 19 boys.
Maltreated girls also were reported to display fewer situationally appropriate emotional displays as well as lower levels of empathy and emotional self-awareness.
The present sample of 32 children included 18 girls and 14 boys, whose ages ranged from 9 to 13 years.
Results were similar for boys and girls, and at rest and during physical and mental stress.
In addition, one-fifth of the sample were girls.
Often assumed in the field is the notion that there is applicability of an intervention for both boys and girls of a range of ages.
The group consists of 2 boys and 4 girls with a mean age of 34.6+33.8 months.
In fact, girls' perceived external control scores were significantly lower, on average, than those of boys.
At the same time, they showed a powerful negativity bias contrasting with the positivity biases of other girls.
On the other hand, for girls, only perceived unpopularity with peers significantly and consistently predicted negative learning attitude.
The centrality and salience of the peer group for girls is important for programs of health promotion and enhancement.
Students were provided a class roster that listed separately the names of boys and girls.
Longitudinal effects of adolescent girls' pubertal development, perceptions of pubertal timing, and parental relations on eating problems.
On the other hand, neither association is evident for girls.
Participants' classmates (boys and girls) nominated up to four boys in the classroom who best fit each descriptor.
A total of 585 children participated in the study (308 in cohort 1, 277 in cohort 2; 304 boys, 281 girls).
There was somewhat less agreement between classmates and teachers among girls than boys.
Only 18 girls were classified as highly aggressive among 201 girls in the analysis, making any inferences exploratory.
Similar findings emerged on measure of poor impulse control, with childhood-onset boys and delinquent girls showing more impulsivity than adolescent-onset boys.
However, by ages 15 to 17, girls were equally likely to show these behaviors.
In addition, other more serious family dysfunction has been reported for antisocial girls.
The comparable figure for girls was very much lower, 14 %.
The preceding chapter examined boys' and girls' reactions to the opportunity to use a computer lab at lunchtime.
Thus, all the girls who came at all frequently were interviewed, whereas this was not true for the boys.
In neither of the classes did the two girls come together to form a dyad for either task-oriented or social interactions.
Although the two girls were very different in many ways, they had one thing in common.
In fact, in both classes the girls were rarely, if ever, observed speaking to each other.
I will now present a brief description of the girls in each of the two classes.
First, the two girls were very different to the extent in which their physical appearance and behavior were consistent with traditional female roles and stereotypes.
To these wells come, first, the girls to get the water needed for the homes.
As a result, older girls had a wider range of preferences than the boys.
The girls retained a preference for the flute in their drawings and showed an equal division of interest in other instruments.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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