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词汇 example_english_generally

Examples of generally

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The classes here generally allow the same syntactic frames, but differ in the possible semantic role assignment.
However, it is crucial to note that the number of irrelevant hits is generally very high when using this expansion strategy.
In summary, the book is a generally useful introduction to the area of robust speech recognition and parsing, appealing perhaps to graduate students.
Performance is not generally an inherent property of an architecture, but rather of implementations of that architecture.
While this approach is not particularly domain-specific (sublanguages are not generally morphologically different from one another, nor from the parent language), it is language-specific.
Generally, however, for the question types found in this corpus, it makes sense to avoid returning answer phrases that are also found in the question.
The current focus is more generally on multi-modal human-computer interaction as opposed to natural language interface development.
Thus, soundscape listening can be interpreted as a strategy to organise the perception of reality in a generally enhanced environment.
The musicological study of artificial vocality, and more generally of electroacoustics, is still relatively primitive.
More generally, it reflects the dualistic opposition of masculinity versus femininity and mind versus body that is so prevalent in our culture.
Generally, newer samplers have backwards compatibility, both with models by the same manufacturer and with other makes.
Generally, musical innovation came first, whereas technological innovation only made the process easier.
More generally, any process containing a choice would block the first time it made any choice.
Generally, in this fragment, we can apply this 'decomposition rule' repeatedly for tensors cut against par until all cuts are between axiom links.
Even the most successful groups have generally shown little capacity to acquire significant new assets.
More generally, expectation formation could entail active efforts to obtain data from the environment, interspersed with data processing using various calculation algorithms.
Each makes decisions about methods of historical reconstruction which are instructive for intellectual historians more generally.
Such activities are generally reserved not only for the free, but for men.
His work seems to have been a major precursor of the op art movement, although he is not generally identified as a member of it.
Therefore, it is generally considered that the phenomenon of nuclear swelling is one essential component of the more complex process of genetic reprogramming.
Secondly, their shape is rather similar to the generally larger microspikes or microvilli.
Therefore, for purposes of demonstration, the photomicrographs shown are generally of cases from higher density cultures.
Technological advances generally come in waves that crest and eventually subside.
Managers generally welcomed their new authority to make spending, personnel, and operational decisions that had formerly been made by central authorities.
Generally, construction labor is proportional to the amount of steel used in the system.
Passwords and identification codes generally do not provide this detection capability.
There is another, complementary, way of thinking about expression profiles, or more generally, about multivariate statistical data.
The most successful studies of aging generally involve manipulations that increase life span.
Increased life span was generally correlated with increased stress resistance including increased oxidative stress resistance.
The cell cycle is a temporal continuum that is generally grouped into cell-cycle phases.
Use of this information is therefore generally limited to mapping relationships on the genus and species levels.
Participants generally agreed that there is a demand for both historical and fair value reporting.
More generally, why should others' expected behaviour have any effect at all on self-maximizer's co-operate vs. defect choices?
The case of biotechnology has implications for our understanding of public policy generally and for the transatlantic conflict over genetic modification in particular.
End users will generally only see the computed values.
Generally, capacity building is taken to mean training of human resources.
A further characteristic of dialect opera is the generally plentiful use of intertextual, or rather inter-operatic, parody.
The worms are generally, but not exclusively, located in the non-glandular stomach or forestomach.
Alternatively, while generally expecting a decrease of lipid stores due to energy drain upon infection, an increase might also occur.
Generally the specialist was perceived to be in charge, rather than this being a relationship of equals.
A defined contribution plan is generally a profit sharing, stock bonus, or money purchase plan.
Note that condition (2) generally holds when x1 and x2 are small.
If doctors generally overestimate the risk, this could result in drugs being recommended for too many patients, and for underestimation the opposite would be true.
We don't generally have the right to interfere in the life of another person for either their own good or for the good of another.
The torque is generally high, about 10 times bigger than its rolling resistance, and has a close relation with the robot's load.
Friction effects are generally dependent on the hardware architecture of the motors and may also change with time.
Nevertheless, local optimization remains the only choice for sensory guided robots, where the task path is generally not predictable.
The causes in question could be social - such as passive acceptance of generally held beliefs.
Having formulated a very stiff test, he intends to show that exclusivists generally can meet it.
The real culprit here, then - the basis of the grounding objection - is libertarianism, or perhaps more generally, indeterminism.
Information on a post-oncomiracidium stage, such as the diporpa in diplozoids, is generally meagre.
Only nymphs and larvae are generally found on grouse chicks.
Plant breeding literature generally assumes a human-modified environment and artificial selection.
As a consequence, all activity assays of the protein have generally been performed in the absence of monovalent salt.
Natural proteins do not generally exhibit downhill folding.
However chemical probe reactions are generally irreversible and thus, in principle, yield non-equilibrium information.
However, it is generally not possible to solve the diffusion problem analytically in closed form in the case of a multi-ion pore.
Nasals, which have generally been treated as non-continuants, actually pattern with continuants in the majority of cases.
The distinction on the basis of manner features is more generally acknowledged.
The correspondence between orthography and pronunciation is generally very close.
Exceptional non-morphologically conditioned hiatus is generally possible under two conditions.
Assessment of carer needs was subsumed within the patient assessment and was generally an opportunistic rather than a planned activity.
In quasi-linear theory, cyclotronresonant wave-particle interactions generally give rise to both pitch-angle diffusion and energ y diffusion in the particle phase space.
Our study started from the premise that the primary care team is generally the first point of contact for people with dementia and their families.
Seriously ill patients within the secondary sector will not generally be in a position to make demands or exercise wide choice in respect of treatments.
The results of the survey reveal that risk management issues are generally well covered in pension funds, but there is, nevertheless, much to improve.
Equity and fixed income are generally the biggest investment classes in pension funds.
More generally, the rates of return on financial assets could be related to demographic trends, because of the well-known 'asset meltdown hypothesis'.
Because the benefit does not depend on the (unknown) lifespan, autarky does not apply : z is generally different from zero.
My point here is that this kind of relationship is something that is also true of television more generally.
Generally archived with logbooks, they are more personal, idiosyncratic and variable in quality.
Generally, a female excess ranging from 1.0-5.0, but more usually of the order of 1.4 to 2.0 has been reported from epidemiological samples.
Most patients had been receiving antipsychotic (generally atypical) medication for a short period before assessment.
The least squares solution is generally used in this identification.
Generally, the product of two subgroups is not a subgroup.
Like the systems in the first group, they generally lack the features needed to do advanced computations.
Keep it simple - more words generally mean fewer hits.
The task can generally be accomplished successfully using only tag-level models without lexical sensitivities besides the priors.
Props also play their part in the orchestration of space, and more generally.
The tokens collected were taken from the middle of the sociolinguistic interviews,11 which generally lasted for 2 hours.
The relationships between fishermen and members of the non-fishing community are generally at the levels of friend or acquaintance.
Conversation analysis has generally studied conversations of this first type, in which par ticipants are willing to cooperate.
Students generally had positive perceptions of their own language lear ning processes.
Thus, frequency effects may operate more generally in the language at any given time as well as on the level of par ticular texts.
The closing sections are generally very shor t, with no abstractions, and no integration of the results into a general framework.
Function words are also common, generally short, and usually unaccented in production.
Rather, it is consistent with that of celebrities, political leaders, and college graduates more generally.
Transcription of deletions was thus generally consistent and reliable.
Liberian ex-combatants are generally seen as uprooted urban youths with a history of unemployment, underemployment and idleness.
The basic carrier of information in quantum computing is a 2-level quantum system (qubit), or, more generally, a d-level quantum system (qudit).
Another source of incompleteness is that both simulation preorders are generally too def discriminative with regard to data.
Despite its mathematical significance, dnf is not very convenient for programming, or more generally for the practical description of systems.
However, view-functors generally do not have left adjoints.
Her search of the literature revealed little work in this area, or in higher education generally, compared with research on primary and secondary teaching.
The second part of the article discusses more generally the place of argumentation skills in the educational cur r iculum.
In actual spiteful use of substitute terms, speakers generally only say one term for a referent, not several.
The class difference is generally left implicit in my data; the salient categories by which groups divide themselves are sexuality, ethnicity, gender, age, and style.
While the discussion occasionally becomes heated and communication ceases, women generally tend to hear each other out even when they disagree with the other discussants.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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