词汇 | example_english_geminate |
释义 | Examples of geminateThese examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. The approach proposed here provides a mechanism to understand why the effect occurs and is so common in partial geminates, too. He noted that the middle consonant or both consonants in canonical forms may be geminated. The cross-linguistic behaviour of initial geminates is a potentially rich topic for future research. The precise analysis of initial geminates in a given language may depend on other factors in the phonology of that language. As we have noted, they represent ambisyllabic segments as geminates. The language also permits intervocalic geminates, both nasal and non-nasal. Phonologically the distinction can be maintained: singletons are singly linked, geminates doubly. Geminates and partial geminates circumvent the restriction, because the place features are not uniquely parsed as attributes of a segment in the coda position. In other words, a geminate's mora would be extrasyllabic. However, due to the fact that the language does not also include syllable-initial geminates, we are unable to fully test this claim. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that geminates formed by morpheme concatenation are sequences of identical consonants. As shown in (9), clusters (a) and geminates (b) trigger metathesis of the final vowel and consonant of a preceding morpheme. In this paper we provide new and striking evidence for the view that geminates are non-moraic and may occur in syllable-initial position. We consider two representations which are consistent with the view that geminates are moraic, and that moras are excluded from the onset. Since his focus was the origin of geminates rather than syncope as such, the latter topic is treated only in passing. No such cases of lenitions which only affect geminates or partial geminates have been reported, however. Such an error would not be possible if geminates are represented in singleton fashion. Moreover, the homorganic cluster is not geminated, but instead is realized as a singleton stop closure. Finally, when length and weight are relevant, we predict syllables containing long vowels and coda geminates to pattern to the exclusion of all other types. In other words, coda geminates would be required to contribute to syllable weight while other coda consonants would not. Partial geminates reflect the failure of a coda to a-license all but those elements that are responsible for defining nasals and\\or liquids. Understanding geminates : the evolution of consonantal length contrasts. In most of the cases the mean measures are virtually identical for geminates and singletons. The consistent patterning of initial geminates as moraic as discussed in 2 is well captured by the representation in (9). I conclude that initial geminates may be moraic in some languages but not in others. The question is : what clusters are considered partial geminates and hence moraic ? The representation of syllable-initial geminates is therefore problematic for a theory which assumes geminates to be moraic since moras cannot occur in the onset. Further, in stress assignment, syllables containing geminates pattern with light syllables, to the exclusion of syllables with long vowels. Given the patterning of geminates with long vowels in downgrading, an obvious alternative account would be one in which geminates are analysed as moraic. Since geminates are not inherently moraic, syllables containing long vowels may pattern differently from those with geminates in terms of syllable weight. Initial geminates and consonant clusters are also derived by morpheme concatenation, as in (6). Further, the patterning of syllables containing geminates with light syllables supports the view of geminates as underlyingly non-moraic. A further interest lies in the origin of word-initial geminates. Surely, this fact is part of the reason why initial geminates are so rare. The results bear not only on central issues concerning the representation of geminates but also on some intricacies of the phonology- phonetics interface. The problem essentially concerns the representation of initial geminates. Such contact geminates routinely occur when stops meet across word boundaries. As the perception data confirm, this results in geminates and singletons becoming indistinguishable. To what extent does the accent rating correlate with the acoustic data i+e+, the ratio of geminates to singletons! ? To account for the patterning of geminates and long vowels in downgrading, we have proposed that it is phonological length that is at issue. Therefore, the is geminated and the is degeminated in the error word. As a result, the is geminated and the is degeminated in 16a. Traditional descriptions maintain that the new fricatives were geminates, but this is by no means necessarily the case. Intervocalically, pre-aspiration is contrastive with plain geminates, with aspirated stops in some dialects, and with plain singleton stops in others, as is illustrated in (8). Of interest is the observation, illustrated below, that geminates pattern with long vowels in blocking downgrading. Recall that coda geminates are derived by assimilation or morpheme concatenation, and so cannot be assumed to have a mora underlyingly. Further, syllables containing geminates pattern with light syllables in stress assignment. As can be seen, underlying geminates occur at all places of articulation and may be sonorant or obstruent, with both continuant and non-continuant geminates attested. The degree of the contrast correlated fairly highly with the closure duration ratio of geminates to singletons. Distinctive vowel length is captured by the ranking in (46a), and the non-existence of geminates by the ranking in (46b). In this case geminates pattern together with consonant clusters. The same constraints and rankings will also derive length neutralisation for geminates that are not in post-stress position, as shown in (35). However, since geminates undergo length neutralisation only when they do not close a stressed syllable, it is necessary to limit the effects of this constraint to prosodic heads. In conclusion, the patterning of initial geminates as moraic or non-moraic varies among languages. The orthographic geminates in (55b) represent single consonants phonetically. In fact, the assumption of geminates has very little explanatory value, since long tense vowels contrast with short lax vowels in stressed syllables, as shown in (55). However, taking into account only the constraints mentioned above, it cannot be explained why the correct outputs in (20) are those with geminates and not those with metathesized nasal-fricative sequences. While this pattern would seem to concur with the claim that geminates are inherently moraic, since syllables containing geminates pattern with long vowels, we show this approach to be problematic. To account for the blocking effect of words with geminates or long vowels, we propose that it is segmental length that groups these sounds together as a natural class. The bipositional nature of geminates draws support from the observation that geminates pattern with consonant clusters as opposed to single consonants both in distribution and phonological processes. Nevertheless, the opacity effect considered in this chapter involves prefinal syllable lengthening due to the interaction of a stem-alignment constraint and a ban against certain geminates. Thus, in downgrading, geminates and long vowels pattern together as a natural class ; downgrading is only blocked when the first word contains one of these two types of segments. First, we are still faced with the problem of moras in the onset, as indicated above, in order to also allow syllableinitial geminates to pattern with long vowels. Interestingly, phrase-final and phrase-initial geminates, which should both be unsyllabifiable, are degeminated categorically only in phraseinitial position ; they are just hard to hear in phrase-final position. On the inalterability of geminates. On the representation of initial geminates. The controversy over geminates and syllable weight. Crosslinguistic evidence for acquisition of geminates. Word-initial geminate clusters are also allowed, as shown in (4g). The geminate in a morphologically complex word is a consequence of the moraicity of the final consonant in the simplex form. In other words, the geminate palatal in (10c) and (10d) cannot be the result of raddoppiamento sintattico. He does cite 16th-century grammarians, however, who even then treat orthographic geminate vowels in many forms as bisyllabic. The geminate serves both as the onset to the word-initial syllable and as the coda of the final syllable of the preceding word. Ranked above input-output constraints on mora faithfulness, such a constraint could be used to assign a mora to a derived (underlyingly non-moraic) geminate. Instead, the reduplicant always precedes the geminate, as shown in (15). While the reduplicant systematically intrudes between the segments of a consonant cluster, the same does not hold when an initial geminate is at issue. The second parameter is dependent on the third one, since a geminate consonant can only occur if followed by a vowel. Accent 2 would minimally have three sonorant moras which contain either a trimoraic vowel or a geminate, again a characterisation involving a disjunction. There are several problems with treating such consonants as ambisyllabic or geminate. The winning candidate is the one with the geminate. Thus, representations like (4) are never ambiguous ; they can only indicate geminate structures. There is little doubt that representations could be constructed to differentiate between geminate and ambisyllabic structures. Nasal consonants were categorized as singleton ([n, m]) or geminate ([nn, mm]) consonants. Among the 130 syllables, on average, 34 fortis and 14 nasal geminate consonants were found. The result is that the only moraic consonants that surface are those that are underlyingly moraic or geminate. Of particular interest was the three-way (lenis-fortis-aspirated) obstruent distinction, and geminate nasal consonants. In this paper we have presented new evidence bearing on the representation of geminate consonants. Therefore, it would seem that other acoustic cues are necessary to signal the presence of an initial voiceless geminate. In other words, all syllables containing a geminate pattern with light syllables, whether open or closed. Of interest here is the alternative pronunciation of some trisyllabic words as disyllables with an initial geminate consonant. In (31a), a geminate [r:] overlaps the following [j] to the extent that there is no release between the two consonants. First, a quantity analysis leads to a typologically unexpected distribution of a geminate- singleton contrast. Moreover, languages with a geminate-singleton contrast for sonorants but not for obstruents are rare, though not unknown. Incongruously, it would imply that underlying coda geminates lose their geminate status whenever they are placed in intervocalic position. As another example, it is a common observation that languages that have one geminate consonant (or long vowel) tend to have many. Nevertheless, the geminate- singleton opposition is not correlated with the length of the preceding vowel (see note 12), and thus the comparison here is valid. In contrast, we use ' geminate ' here to refer to underlying doubly linked segments, as in (4a). Borrowings with initial stops based on a voicing distinction caused the extension of the geminate-singleton opposition to word-initial position. The information is opaque enough that listeners may have difficulties in deciding whether the surface consonants stem from an underlying geminate or singleton. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. |