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词汇 example_english_fully

Examples of fully

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
By this time the aphid would be fully developed and ready to hatch.
Respondents in the interwar period were convinced that working people, once fully organized, would radically change the nature of society.
As a new journal, we had the opportunity to help create "the fully transparent world that is desirable ".
However, there are numerous policy, technical, legal, and human resource issues that are not fully within the control of officials at individual agencies.
Nonetheless, some of the best reports have come from observers who entered as fully as possible as participants in the event being investigated.
Philosophy's traditional fascination with certainty distracted it from seeing its involvement in a historical substance which is never fully present to consciousness.
To understand lexical development fully, we must take account of the joint influences of conceptual structure and language use.
I wish to consider, rather, his approach to the problem of contacts and interrelations with persons holding more or less fully elaborated positions.
In addition, the meanings they express do not always fully match the adult ones.
He is pessimistic about whether sense data can be absorbed in anything less than a fully developed version of dualism or idealism.
Neither body mass nor body proportions are fully adult-like early in life.
She can slip into her role without fully identifying with it.
Presumably a benevolent omniscient deity would desire for people what they would desire for themselves if they could be fully enough informed.
We also demonstrate that studies at different spatial scales may be required to understand fully the relationship between landscape features and parasite distribution.
They join together and accompany each other on the journey through life, aff irming the sig nif icance and value of being fully human.
Although physic ians care f or many bereaved people, they of ten fail to fully recog nize the distress that these individuals exper ience.
Taking a spiritual history allows clinic ians to understand patients more fully.
Instead of attempting to identify or design the fully elaborated high-affinity ligand, the individual substituents are identified and optimized.
The study was fully phased, meaning that each crop in the rotation was present in every year of the study.
The n-states can be regarded as being fully delocalized in k-space, whereas the k-states are fully delocalized in n-space.
They therefore live in a ' a-legal situation', with no protection and no possibility to integrate fully into the host society.
In unbalanced signs, the strong hand is fully specified for the class nodes, but this is not the case for the weak hand.
However, due to the fact that the language does not also include syllable-initial geminates, we are unable to fully test this claim.
Do you feel the professional staff present were fully aware of your role?
However, the distribution of stop allophones cannot be fully stated without adjunction structures.
Only four families were 'fully' involved in these health assessments.
In the present work we perform a fully relativistic analysis of the problem.
We see that fully closed pore graphites prevents this contribution to hydrogen isotope inventory because there is no continuous surface leading deep into the graphite.
In order to avoid the possibility of losing any employer matching contributions, this person could delay contributing until she is fully vested in the plan.
The costs this involves are in many cases not (fully) passed on to the pension fund.
The fully funded nature of the second and third pillars promotes adequate savings as demographic pressures rise.
In principle, these production processes are fully separable and, in practice, they are often outsourced to different service providers.
Improvements in utilized social support and satisfaction with social support were fully mediated by improvements in depression.
We agree fully that our study requires replication in other settings.
We cannot fully exclude the possibility that the tendency to blunted cortisol responses in the patient group has been influenced by benzodiazepine use.
Impacts at touchdown are assumed to be fully inelastic, and no sliding between foot and ground occurs.
Such a choice has the clear advantage of yielding a fully causal explanation of net computations, which is our declared aim.
The first version is enormously taxing for the voice, especially when one considers the fully texted ends of the initial section and refrain.
In nonprobabilistic mode, the output is the set of fully expanded (fully specified) forms that can be derived from the input.
However, the intention of the exercise remained to attempt to experience the site-phenomenon fully and wholly.
While young, they do not suffer fully the lower unskilled wages brought about by the increase in unskilled labor.
Capital is assumed to depreciate fully with use.
Again, we assume the announcement is fully credible and that the disinflation program is not known in advance. 22.
Because of the difficulty of achieving natural, not mechanical, sounding synthesized speech, real speech data were resynthesized, rather than fully synthesizing a speech sample.
The implication of this result is that the unemployment rate is fully persistent.
Similarly, the demands of the oil-producing minorities have not been fully supported by minorities in other parts of the country.
We now explain more fully the role of the protected expressions e in our language.
The first restriction is that, in the definition of a function f, any occurrence of f should always be fully applied.
The main advantage of our approach is that it gives at the same time a complete proof system and a fully abstract model.
As a corollary, the final coalgebra is 'internally fully abstract'.
The (incipient) overlap is thus taken notice of in a fully explicit way.
The checker does not attempt to parse sentences fully.
Neuropathic pain is induced within 3 days (early phase), fully established at 10 days (mid phase) and maintained at 21 days (late phase).
They characterize knowledge acquisition techniques on a scale ranging from fully supervised to fully unsupervised.
In this paper we present a technique for fully unsupervised acquisition of rules which guess possible parts of speech for unknown words.
Through the transition between states, differences between eigenvalues are observable, and are fully discrete.
A fully driven network of two nodes, including time-modulation.
The four proboscides and the two bothridia are fully formed, and the former are often protruded.
However, the power of the relational approach really shows when considering fully impredicative types.
Probably the only possibility of achieving a fully distributed and symmetry-preserving implementation is to use randomised techniques.
Such a role would then fully justify the name 'branching time' for this variant of interval algebra.
Note that the first-order conditions and the period budget constraint do not fully characterize the equilibrium of the household's maximization problem.
We begin by assuming that tariffs are fully rebated in the form of lump-sum subsidies.
The extension of these approaches to a fully dynamic setting, including capital accumulation, may shed new light on theories of endogenous economic growth.
Hence, to fully characterize the equilibrium, we need to connect the determination of the wage rate with the outcome of the currency attack.
Ideally, one would like to estimate a model were both national and international interdependencies are fully accounted for.
By pre-processing to eliminate the 'monsters', we arrive at a fully-general matching procedure.
If voters were fully informed, electoral patterns would be significantly different.
The next stage of development and testing should account more fully for this dynamic quality.
Nevertheless, several key properties of the model presented have been fully proved.
The fully discrete error bound was proved to be of order 1/2 in the time step and first order in the space step.
When the farmers are fully compensated after the regulation, they may be more willing to cooperate with the government.
Turning to the papers published in the issue, let me try to describe excessive suitability a little more fully.
If, for instance, architectural ideas are only fully illuminated by construction, what role should a detail have in communicating that meaning?
Fully illustrated throughout, arq includes sections on design, history, theory, environmental design, construction, information technology, and practice.
Signers do not first fully articulate the handshape and then move the sign; instead, both elements are produced simultaneously.
However, because there was no control group of children matched for language abilities, these hypotheses cannot be fully evaluated in light of our data.
If the system is parallel, and not resource-limited, then all phonemes should be fully analysed to the best of the system's capability.
The questioner did not seem fully satisfied but did not pursue the matter further.
Residues were present in the samples that in some cases were impossible to remove fully.
To be clear, chance does not fully explain the distribution of occupational pensions, and class and gender remain very important predictors of occupational pension access.
In both the randomised-controlled trials, the allocation to the samples was not fully described and neither reported a sample size calculation or an intention-to-treat analysis.
The occupational benefit plan (the so-called ' second pillar ' of social security) is a fully funded system.
Parents of young couples, and legislators concerned with welfare, might become more tolerant of those who raise children before they can become fully independent financially.
Thus, in his view, they had fully deserved their death sentences.
The closed polygonal shapes of the lots are not fully represented in the rule.
In the example cases, from 50 to 650 fully optimized examples were required to learn the function at the outset.
The book is fully referenced and includes appendices on the itineraries and repertoire of some of the pianists.
A more comprehensive thesis cannot be fully elaborated here.
The process has not yet been fully understood or modeled satisfactorily.
Using these catcher targets, the detectors of the nuclear events were fully shielded against the direct view from the primary target.
In such an occurrence, it appears problematic to bridge straightforwardly the wide gap between present quasi-linear treatment and a fully nonlinear one.
In the end, though, neither of these kernels becomes a fully developed linear narrative.
The theorists and composers did not yet fully understand what they were doing.
All gave fully informed written consent to take part in the study.
We expected semistructured interviewing to have a greater educational effect on respondents than fully structured interviewing.
Moreover, the clinician assessments were always conducted after the fully structured interview assessments, possibly introducing bias due to order effects.
At the end of the experiment all participants were fully debriefed and encouraged to ask questions.
Although we postulate that feedback processes continue to mature through adolescence, the learning itself may already be fully developed by adolescence, and possibly much earlier.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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