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词汇 example_english_forest

Examples of forest

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
An important example is the extraction (appropriation) of resource units from a renewable resource stock such as fish, rangelands, groundwater aquifers, or forests.
Smaller trees can fruit in logged dipterocarp forests.
Thus, the species ensemble was not completely sampled in any of the forests.
In two of these upland forests, mortality was restricted to particular understorey species.
Few natural forests are structurally as simple as the one sampled for this study.
In the floodplain forests the inundation phase is followed by a short dry season, when the rainfalls start late.
Four dipterocarp species were included because of their importance to the ecology of these forests.
What evidence suggests that tropical forests have received low 'propagule pressure'?
As previously mentioned, there are many examples of exotic species found in disturbed tropical forests, and a dearth of such examples from undisturbed tropical forests.
Most exotic plants are not shadetolerant, however, and depend on human disturbance to invade tropical forests successfully.
Gaps a caused by the mortality of big trees, and the local establishment of pioneer species, result in a more complex architecture to the forests.
Logged forests have large gaps in the canopy and fewer big trees.
In particular, we have examined impacts at the landscape- and stand-scales for rain forests with contrasting management histories.
All of the above observations were made in relatively mesic tropical forests.
The results are discussed in terms of the occurrence of the species in the mosaic climaxes of afromontane forests.
The classification of forests was based on climate, soil and physiognomy, with some account of species composition.
Different kinds of mangrove forests provide different goods and services.
Secondary forests were used as habitats only for a limited subset of bats, representing less than 20% of the total species reported.
Effects of climate and stand age on annual tree dynamics in tropical second-growth rain forests.
Little is known, however, about epiphyte proliferation in disturbed forests.
In the secondary forests, we observed selective extraction of plant products, including rare tree fellings, but no clearcutting of large areas within the fallows.
Nevertheless, the few comparable studies confirm that herbivory rates on seedlings in tropical rain forests are remarkably constant over time and across experimental treatments.
Given these forests are aseasonal and that figs flower asynchronously at the population-level, short sampling periods can be considered representative.
In contrast, wet rain forests had more variable soil types.
Mature forests were treated as a fifth age category.
As in forests, seedling survival is a critical process in savannas that influences both the abundance and species diversity of trees.
However, in dry forests, light reaching the understorey varies enormously through the annual cycle due to seasonality in leaf fall and leaf flushing.
The need for information regarding tree age and growth in tropical forests.
Fast-growing light-demanding species will be more abundant in forests with a higher disturbance regime.
Do mixed-species mixed-size indigenous forests also follow the self-thinning line?
How to sample the epiphytic diversity of tropical rain forests.
However, there is a lack of studies in subtropical forests on community phenology and on the identification of important resources.
The results suggest that variation in nutrient availability could affect the structure of tropical forests regenerating from large-scale disturbance.
On hilly sites that are never inundated there are lowland dipterocarp forests.
The region is a mosaic of active pasture land, small- and large-scale agriculture, selectively logged forests, secondary forests and oldgrowth forests.
Fingerprinting the impacts of global change on tropical forests.
Is nutrient availability related to plant nutrient use in humid tropical forests?
Below a closed canopy layer, mean temperatures are lower, but extreme temperature minima are less frequent than outside forests.
Net primary production in tropical forests: an evaluation and synthesis of existing field data.
First, two general groups of habitats were defined: secondary and primary forests.
Sites in primary forests formed a distinct and relatively homogeneous group.
Why are leaf-cutting ants more common in early secondary forests than in old-growth tropical forests?
Cutting more from cut forests - edge effects on foraging and herbivory of leaf-cutting ants.
Recruitment limitation in secondary forests dominated by an exotic tree.
Thus, communitywide phenologies reveal a strong signature of seasonal changes in irradiance, even in those forests that exhibit some degree of seasonality in rainfall.
The sites numbered 1-4 are young secondary growth, numbers 5-8 are middle-aged secondary forests, and 9-12 are old secondary forests.
Consequently, classifying these forests to edaphically defined site types, which also reflect floristic variation, appears both realistic and useful.
However, it is acknowledged that this study may not be representative of the monsoon forests of the study area.
To our knowledge, no measurements have been made in second-growth forests.
However, late dry-season fires will encounter higher amounts of leaf litter raising fire probability in forests.
In addition, we examined the effects of past riparian deforestation on stream habitat and shrimp abundance by comparing streams running through primary and secondary forests.
Changes in growth of tropical forests: evaluating potential biases.
Secondly, the case for preventing indiscriminate re-clearance of regenerating forests is stronger given some baseline abundance data.
About a third of the country is covered by forests.
How wide is the riparian zone of small streams in tropical forests?
The significant variation within and among sites in seedling dynamics emphasizes the need for long-term comparative studies across additional tropical forests.
How are stingless bee colonies distributed in tropical wet forests?
High prices and demand for tropical agricultural commodities can stimulate the clearing of forests to produce these commodities.
Humans cleared forests and drained swamps but did little else.
Once open-access forests are cleared by poor early settlers, cleared land becomes their de-facto private property.
Fodder and grass are the products that become available right from the beginning when forests are enclosed for regeneration purpose.
Although they had effective control of their forests from 1914, harvesting chicle was not their primary economic activity and it never would be.
Finally, we extend the behaviour-minimal realisation theory from trees to forests.
The main consequences are two different characterisations of the polarised isomorphisms: an equational theory and a graphical representation through polarised forests.
Under the subsistence framework this would lead to reduced pressure on forests, whereas the effect would be the opposite in the market approach.
Clearance of the gallery forests would have been a demanding task, but one certainly eased by the ready supply of iron tools.
People described the region as basically one of thick forests, interspersed with swidden settlements, lorded over by despotically powerful janmis.
Thus, soil moisture monitored from burned forests may be used as surrogates for unburned adjacent forests.
The mammals examined in the forests and coastal zone were grouped into artiodactyls (bovids, suids), carnivores, rodents or pholidotes.
Other ticks were only found on the mammals examined in the forests and the coastal zone.
Local authorities and residents consider the forests to be an integral part of their social, cultural and economic wellbeing.
A variety of phenomena and processes may contribute to the failure of most savanna fires to enter adjacent gallery forests.
Concurrent vegetation surveys indicated that secondary forests had high levels of terrestrial and understorey browse.
The indigenous communities lost access to forests through statisation and privatisation processes.
Travellers were asked to contrast the thick forests on either side with the powers of colonialism symbolised by the road.
The forests were essential to the shepherds for several reasons.
Tropical forests accommodate a wide range of living organisms within the ecosystem.
Interestingly, although there were significant linear relationships, the variables tended to cluster into two groups; forests and plantations.
In the flight-interception-trapping, species richness and abundance were significantly higher in the forests than in the plantations in both sampling periods.
Before the heathland reclamations, the village areas consisted of small, closed villages with around them the fields (essen), the communal grazing lands and the forests.
Since the set of essential spanning forests is closed, one generally considers the class of -invariant measures on this set.
However, it may happen that the limit measure is not supported on trees, but on forests.
Property 4 is more restrictive than the property of being the union of i - 1 star i forests.
Subsequently, insects were collected from a further eight forests that summer.
Mountain forests were extensively burned and more than 500 houses were lost.
Liming would reduce the acidity of lakes, and forests could be helped in the short term by adding fertilizer.
The contrasts between temperate and tropical forests are striking.
Parts of the wildscape and of the marginal fringe have been planted as forests which also can be used by tourists.
The presence of this peridomestic species in degraded forests (found in dumps near habitations) seemed to be related to human presence.
Accordingly, much of the land in that part of the country which was farmed up to a generation ago is now covered with maturing forests.
The fact that area fees encourage violations of annual logging limits does not mean that countries should not use area fees in public forests.
Faced with constraints, households look for alternatives to products from common forests.
In total, 78 per cent of villages regulate forests by custom and 22 per cent have no regulation at all.
An important issue is the effects of warming on temperate and boreal natural systems including forests and prairies, as well as on agricultural systems.
However, increased fuelwood availability is far from the only rationale for devolution of management of natural forests to local institutions.
Market prices often reflect the direct use value of forests only, which alone would not justify the creation of protected areas.
However, no elephant corridor connecting this area with other forests will be lost due to the project.
Provision of kerosene or gas is needed to ensure that the workers do not depend on nearby forests for fuel wood.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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