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词汇 example_english_fluorescent

Examples of fluorescent

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The slide was mounted with 50 % glycerol and examined under a fluorescent microscope.
All measurements were corrected for the scattering of exciting light using a suspension of cells free of the fluorescent probe.
Such a distinction is important when samples are being analysed for the presence of very low numbers of fluorescent or non-fluorescent trypanosomes.
They are labelled, typically with fluorescent dyes and quenchers, for subsequent detection by suitable spectroscopic or spectrometric methods.
The use of fluorescent techniques is adding to our knowledge of ribosome dynamics.
Cells were evaluated for fluorescence and the percentage of live cells (non-fluorescent) was calculated.
Parasites that were non-motile and not fluorescent were rare.
Non-attending behaviors in first grade students under three fluorescent lighting conditions.
Intermittent illumination from visual display units and fluorescent lighting affects movements of the eyes across text.
Astrocytes cannot be visualized because of the filter selection for this fluorescent image.
On measures of shoulder muscle strength, there was no effect of lighting in subjects exposed to incandescent or fluorescent sources.
Overall, fluorescent lamp type appears to have no effect on school attendance.
Evaluation of agar gel immunodiffusion and indirect fluorescent antibody assays as supplemental tests for dourine in equids.
Parasites were allowed to grow for 2-3 days, and the number of fluorescent parasites clusters (plaques) was counted under a fluorescent microscope.
The treadmill was near a window, so the fluorescent light, to be effective, had to be substantially brighter than light from the window.
The change in temperature in the cages was due to the heat generated by the fluorescent lights.
Studies using retrograde transport of fluorescent dyes and simultaneous peptide immunohistochemistry in the rat.
Thalamic projections of nucleus reticularis thalami of cat: a study using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent tracers.
Measurement of the fluorescent intensity of each soma shows the distribution of tracer following diffusion.
To investigate if single neurons project to multiple targets we used paired injections of red and green fluorescent retrograde tracers into different targets.
The same fluorescent-positive nucleolar substructures consisting of numerous small foci were not observed in the control embryos.
Thus, bleaching of the fluorescent cells was reduced and alignment of the images was not a problem.
The sections were examined for label with a fluorescent microscope using a filter used to view rhodamine fluorescence.
The calcium green fluorescent emission was passed through a 532 nm bandpass filter and the texas red emission passed through a 590 nm longpass filter.
We used calmodulin tagged with a fluorescent marker which allows direct visualisation of the position of calmodulin.
The laser line at 488 nm was used for exdtation of the fluorescent probes, and images collected with a 515 nm longpass filter.
However, sheep and mouse oocytes demonstrated different sensitivities to background labelling with these fluorescent avidins.
The cage and storage room were viewed under overhead fluorescent light of ;1500 lux (measured at cage level).
Assessment of polyploidy in human morulae and blastocysts using co-culture and fluorescent in-situ hybridization.
Three of the lines had bright green fluorescent cone photoreceptors.
Cells are recorded in the whole cell mode and filled with fluorescent dyes to reveal their morphology.
To label bipolar cells, we searched for a suitable promoter to drive expression of the fluorescent proteins.
During recordings, cells were filled with a fluorescent marker to reveal their morphology.
To start we simply injected many displaced cells with fluorescent dye and then captured their arbors in the synaptic layer.
The remaining eight monkeys, used for neurochemical studies, did not receive fluorescent tracer injections.
In these, the red and green fluorescent images were superimposed.
The first appearance of a paracellular permeability barrier was examined during blastulation using fluorescent assays.
We have employed parallel techniques: the retinal slice with cell attached patch electrodes, and dissociated cell preparations using the oxonol fluorescent probe.
Damage to pigeon retinae by moderate illumination from fluorescent lamps.
The calcium increases are shown by a decrease in fluorescent signals.
Cellular internalization of enhanced green fluorescent protein ligated to a human calcitonin-based carrier peptide.
Quantitative model demonstrating that recombinant adeno-associated virus and green fluorescent protein are non-toxic to the rat retina.
Production of nuclear transfer-derived swine that express the enhanced green fluorescent protein.
The fluorescent signal at the outer margin of the retina is due to auto-fluorescence from photoreceptor outer segment fragments and oil droplets.
Furthermore, the fluorescent sources had conventional magnetic ballasts and therefore were subject to luminous flicker, whereas incandescent lamps do not flicker.
The impact of flicker from fluorescent lighting on well-being, performance, and physiological arousal.
After fluorescent staining of these two biofilm constituents and subsequent confocal laser scanning microscopy the structure and function of biofilm systems can be studied.
Fluorescent lights were positioned in each unit to provide lighting intensities similar to those observed at the sides of the aquaria in the zebrafish module.
498 to minimize the fluorescent intensity necessary to detect the locations of the starburst amacrine cell amacrine somas.
A small neon fluorescent tube supplies the white bleaching light.
The same fluorescent-positive staining was not recorded in all recognised blastomeres.
A novel fluorescent tracer for visualizing coupled cells in neural circuits of living tissue.
Dynamics of the thiol status of rat spermatozoa during maturation: analysis with the fluorescent labelling agent monobromobimane.
Thalamic projections to sensorimotor cortex in the macaque monkey: use of multiple retrograde fluorescent tracers.
Dynamics of the thiol status of rat spermatozoa during maturation: analysis with the fluorescent labeling agent monobromobimane.
An investigation of capacitation and the acrosome reaction in dog spermatozoa using a dual fluorescent staining technique.
Acetylcholinesynthesizing amacrine cells: identification and selective staining by using radioautography and fluorescent markers.
Localization of endoplasmic reticulum in living and glutaraldehyde fixed cells with fluorescent dyes.
Dynamics of fluorescence fluctuations in green fluorescent protein observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Both glial types were prelabeled with lentiviral vectors encoding green fluorescent protein.
Seeds were exposed to white fluorescent light during germination counting, but otherwise were maintained in the dark inside temperature-controlled chambers.
The standard diagnostic test is the direct fluorescent antibody test for detection of viral antigen in fresh brain tissue [28].
Reactivities were scored as negative or positive with weak + to strong +++ fluorescent staining.
The amplified fragments contain a fluorescent tag that is detected after capillary electrophoresis to separate the fragments based on size.
If, however, the fluorescent dye concentration is small there is no significant change in the light intensity as the radiation traverses the medium.
No fluorescent dyes have been applied to the samples.
Fluorescent in situ hybridization using this probe is of major value in identification of the cause of outflow tract detect of the heart.
In three of the four antimicrobials, complete penetration of the agents throughout the biofilms was observed within 60 s as indicated by the fluorescent staining.
Sleep deprivation could flatten this rhythm because the subject is exposed to fluorescent light (in the lab) all night.
The light came from an ordinary fluorescent fixture with four fluorescent lamps covered by a diffuser.
A pre-loading method of evaluating gap junctional communication by fluorescent dye transfer.
Calcium homeostasis in intact lymphocytes : cytoplasmic free calcium monitored with a new, intracellularly trapped fluorescent indicator.
A critical examination of perceptual and cognitive effects attributed to full-spectrum fluorescent lighting.
The effects of two ranges of fluorescent lighting spectra on human physical performance.
Since that early work, a vast literature has reported the use of charged, usually fluorescent, molecular tracers to establish and characterize junctional coupling.
Evaluation of populations of fluorescent pseudomonads related to decline of take-all patch on turfgrass.
Bone marrow-derived macrophages (with green fluorescent transgene) were grafted in the striatum 3, 8 and 16 days after toxin injection.
The cellular distribution of the fluorescent dye was visualized by means of a confocal laser scanning microscope.
Automation of genetic linkage analyses using fluorescent microsatellite markers.
The schistosomula suspensions were incubated for between 20 and 24 h and washed the following day before the schistosomula were observed under fluorescent microscopy.
The slides were then washed as above and examined under a fluorescent microscope.
In all cases, with one exception, hybridization signal of the probe and the fluorescent intensity of the original band on ethidium stained agarose gels corresponded.
Antigenic relationships between the malaria parasites and piroplasms of mice as determined by the fluorescent antibody technique.
Work efficiency and mood states of electronic assembly workers exposed to full-spectrum and conventional fluorescent illumination.
Fluorescent-labelled antibodies could be very useful for a quick in situ imaging analysis of fixed suspensions of surface samples.
Tissue sections were examined in a fluorescent microscope with 200-400 magnification.
In each case, the reaction was protected from light to prevent photobleaching of the fluorescent reporters.
Reactions with fluorescent units between 101-299 above baseline were repeated.
The spots in the right image are much less clear against the high background, but the fluorescent signals are still measurable.
The approach described here should speed the discovery of genetically encodable fluorescent sensors.
Cells were stained to examine carbohydrate composition using several different lectins conjugated with a fluorescent chromophore.
The majority of attempts to isolate microorganisms from such samples have been unsuccessful, showing that most of the fluorescent-stained cells are viable, but non-culturable bacteria.
Again, fluorescent probes might be used to sort out cells binding the probe for additional analyses.
Cells are seeded into an environmental chamber and cell growth and metabolism can be monitored using intracellular fluorescent molecular probes.
The water that issued from the nozzle was dyed with the fluorescent dye.
Specimens were scored as positive when punctate fluorescent spots were visible in the nucleus indicating the presence of latent nuclear antigens.
One to two days prior to dehiscence, flower heads were covered with a slurry of fluorescent dye and water.
Both phase-contrast images were taken under a fluorescent light microscope which allowed simultaneous visualization of bright chromatin.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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