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词汇 example_english_flank

Examples of flank

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait loci in line crosses using flanking markers.
All this happened because it left open one of our flanks.
The apices could be seen as belonging to the same (middle) object, or to two different (flanking) objects.
The development of flanking folds during simple shear and their use as kinematic indicators.
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait in line crosses using flanking markers.
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait loci in lines crosses using flanking markers.
A simple method for mapping quantitative trait loci in line crosses using flanking markers.
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative loci in line crosses using flanking markers.
Estimating the locations and the sizes of the effects of quantitative loci using flanking markers.
A bootstrap analysis was used to derive the random expectation for flanking sequence similarity in the insertion and deletion class of mutations.
Facilitation from collinear flanks is cancelled by non-collinear flanks.
One uncorked bottle of extra dry wine, flanked by two wine glasses, rests on the center of a marble table.
At both loci, it was possible to align portions of the microsatellite flanking regions on either side of the repeat tract.
The observed estimate of flanking sequence similarity was obtained by comparing the indel nucleotides to the sequences immediately 5k or 3k to the indel site.
Nonwelded plinian fall deposits and ignimbrites are the dominant explosive products preserved on the southern flanks.
The second is that the marker will be placed at an internal position in the map, and will be flanked by large intervals.
Estimating the locations and the sizes of effects of quantitative trait loci using flanking markers.
The conservation of flanking regions across different families is certainly unusual.
We divided the sequences into repeats and flanking regions.
The body is in the shape of an equilateral triangle flanked by two blue wings at the front.
Above this, a row of armed warriors flanks the solar deity standard.
Sequence of introns and flanking exons in wild-type and box3 mutants of cytochrome b reveals an interlaced splicing protein coded by an intron.
Domains 1 and 2 both contain a central parallel b-sheet flanked by a-helices.
By the early part of the second world war we were erecting defenses on both flanks of this principle of the separation of levels.
The cases typically involve a pair of consonants flanking a site which displays a vowel-zero alternation.
The stage is occupied by a bathroom flanked by two walls.
Alvinellids make complex chitin tube colonies on the flanks of black smoker chimneys.
The heterozygous chromosome region was flanked by several recessive markers.
In the paranode, the region flanking each side of the node, myelin maintains its closest apposition to the axon through septate-like junctions.
A little later, the royal couple was seen on the balcony, flanked by ministers, their wives, army generals, and heads of foreign missions.
In this process, cre recombinase will specifically excise and/or insert sequences that are flanked by lox sites.
The gneissosity is undisturbed by the pegmatite, while the mylonitic foliation is deflected into flanking structures.
The trials with compatible, neutral and incompatible flanking letters were equally distributed across each of the three distances.
A typical metacontrast display consists of a target flanked symmetrically by a mask.
Note that the rotate-mode will face the same problem as that of preassigned direction priority17 when the obstacle is too large to find its flanks.
The central plaza was flanked by the government palace, the cathedral, the municipal plaza and a portico for merchant shops.
On the north side, underneath a raised terrace, is a room partially sunk into the ground and flanked by two large open water tanks.
A column of loosely packed cells is flanked on each side by a column of tightly packed cells.
The other main rooms flanking the center one were likely used for various domestic activities, crafting, and resting.
Just as easily, the phrasal noun can appear flanked by other nouns, as in cattle round-up time and population overspill problem.
Estimating the locations and the size of the effects of quantitative trait loci using flanking markers.
Mutants involving exchange of flanking markers led to scores in both progenitor alleles at the position of exchange.
The study also provided flanking markers for dreher that enabled precise genotyping of pre- and post-natal individuals in all subsequent studies.
Evidence for mitotic recombination requires a haplotype analysis via genotyping of flanking genetic markers.
The outcrops on the valley's flanks expose a succession of 91 m which represents the middle and upper part of the member.
The valley is flanked by mountains 2000-3000 m high.
The observed similarity of flanking sequences is slightly higher for insertions than deletions.
Oligonucleotides were selected from constant regions of the minicircle in order to anneal sites flanking the variable region.
Only that population of restriction fragments in which the bases flanking the restriction site match the selective nucleotides will be amplified.
The thumb domain is a four-helix bundle while the others contain mixed -sheets flanked by -helices.
Only stressable monosyllables contribute mismatches and only when these are flanked by stressless syllables.
However, side-stopped cells, that only had suppression from the flanks, might not give larger responses to concentric than to parallel gratings.
What were called 'streets' were largely dirt tracks, evidently deeply rutted by carts in the dry seasons, flanked by open ditches.
They attacked frontally, from the flanks and from the rear at once since the mountainous terrain favoured the defenders.
Our interpretation is supported by the presence of a crocodilian figure flanking the cave.
Consequently, no segments are present and the developing ventricles are flanked by primary myocardium of atrioventricular canal, outflow tract, and inner curvature.
All the temples originally had a por tico formed by serpent columns with sculpted or modeled heads flanking the entry to a single room.
Arrangements of this type have little informative data on the orientation of the internal cluster with respect to the flanking pair.
Presumably this reflects the fact that this is a tight cluster of markers flanked by two large distances devoid of markers.
We wanted to determine whether the inserted or deleted nucleotides were similar to flanking sequences.
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait loci in crosses using flanking markers.
The # addition of a second flanking marker is considered and estimates of recombination and penetrance are developed in both single and flanking marker cases.
Incidentally, mutational sites within am were first mapped, not by any consistent inequality of recombinant flanking marker classes, but by polarity of gene conversion.
To simplify the derivation, we first present the interval mapping procedure that uses only two flanking markers.
Unfortunately, the original mutants could not be genetically analysed for flanking markers.
At the submarine western and northeastern flanks of the island, broad areas of pinnacles and ridges have been detected.
The susceptible animals had four shaved feeding sites on their necks and flanks.
The spanwise (2)extent of the correlation is much smaller and, in addition, two clearly negative regions are flanking the large positive body.
In this circumstance we would expect associations to arise with the flanking marker loci equally frequently, or perhaps more frequently due to their greater polymorphism.
In both tasks, centrally presented target stimuli were flanked by peripheral stimuli that were either congruent or incongruent with the behavioural goal of the subject.
Horizontally fixed coats simulated the abdomen or back, and vertically fixed coats simulated the flanks or breast of the animal.
From these studies, we know that the flanks are the areas where more seeds are retained under natural conditions.
A central chimney disguised as a tower was flanked on either side by separate but identical apartments for men and women.
The lateral dendrites of horizontal cells (asterisks) flanking the synaptic ribbon (arrowhead) showed a weak immunolabeling at their membranes and cytoplasmic sites.
In addition to the three main temples, there are two 4 m high pyramidal structures flanking an inset stairway on the western facade of the platform.
Unrecorded intervals were taken into account in estimates of total reproductive output by assuming oviposition had proceeded at the average rate of the two flanking egg counts.
Large sectors n of the edifice are enclosed by (1) the major graben (potential rift zone) in the central part, and (2) radial transtensional graben on both flanks.
The flanks continue to the oral part.
Our results demonstrate the potential for inferring phylogenies from sequences flanking microsatellites which are abundant in genetic databases, and usually discarded for individual identification because of their low variability.
We are currently characterizing the molecular structure of the genetic region flanking the site of the transposon insertion in both enhancer-trap strains in order to identify the altered genes.
131 plus an unknown amount flanking them.
In contrast, the original target for savannah tsetse was based on a large black panel (to both attract flies and induce landing) flanked by transparent netting (to intercept circling flies).
The dendrite of an on-bipolar cell is the central invaginating element of a cone terminal's triad synapse that is shared with two laterally flanking horizontal cell processes.
The two flanks of this strategy are closely related, although their implications for theory are somewhat obscured by a lack of meta-theoretical clarification.
The presence of flanking nets with or without sebum did not increase the catch of either species significantly.
Inside the gates it is flanked by colonnades and the principal buildings lie adjacent to it.
Apart from the two flanking west towers, the architectural emphasis is horizontal.
Other asymmetric macro- and micro-structures used as kinematic indicators are abundant (porphyroclast systems, drag folds, small-scale shears, flanking structures).
Phonetically, deletion is again viewed as overlap to the extent that the segment is not perceived independently of flanking elements.
The variability in flanking regions was informative for phylogenetic inference and their evolutionary content.
We asked what the expected similarity of flanking sequences is given the sizes of events within the two classes of sequence length variants.
However, the entries for insertion mutations did not include flanking sequences, so we sought them in the original publications.
The front entrance was flanked by two blue 'wings', 45 cm wide.
The images show a narrowly selective peak in the signal direction flanked by regions with a broader selectivity.
The reader will notice that many of the syllables in the corpus are flanked by obstruents.
Besides the preconsonantal and word-final contexts exemplified in and, a third favourable site for neutralisation is formed by a consonant flanked by vowels.
The same discrepancy can be observed when /t/ is flanked by /i/ in the sequence /iti/.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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