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词汇 example_english_finance

Examples of finance

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
However, compared to their high reliance on informal care, they are more independent from their families in terms of financing their living expenses.
Non-humancapital payments have their source in the bonds that have financed the resources required by the firms producing the varieties of productive inputs.
At the same time, the programme's actuaries were projecting an enormous gap in the system's long-term finances.
Strictly speaking the system is not insurance-based but rather financed by a hypothecated tax.
Approximately two-thirds of the costs of the general sickness insurance were to be financed by the insured and the other third by the state.
Positive regression coefficients refer to positive opinion on financing the benefits and negative coef ficients indicate the opposite.
Sick funds were also financed by co-payments, mostly for prescription drugs.
His method of retaliation may have hurt his finances, but it saved his honour.
The counties have been financed by block grants from the state since 1980.
There was no separation of state finances from the ebb and flow of private fortunes.
Also, it can control the costs of drugs, since they are financed on a kind of risk-adjusted (still preliminary) population formula.
Second, advocates generally reject any significant role for government in regulating or financing health care.
If strategies require increased spending, this can be financed by increasing taxes, borrowing or the money supply.
Further research is needed to assess implementation issues, including impacts on government finances as a result of economic and/or demographic shocks.
Endogenous growth results from the formation of human capital, which is assumed to result from parental education and educational spending, financed out of altruism.
However, generous pensions, financed by a substantial increase in the contribution rate, could lower global savings.
The second pillar is a fully funded mandatory scheme financed by worker contributions.
In contrast, a return of 5 % would produce a much larger pension, financed in part by productive assets rather than taxes.
Sibling participation ranged from helping patients to organize finances to becoming extensively involved in myeloma advocacy and fundraising work.
The return on debt is the opportunity cost of internal funds for a producer, while the borrowing rate measures his cost of externally financing investment.
In this context, the most prominent private sector regrowth took the form of externally financed contract farming.
When = 0.01, a 5 percent tax increase in the laissez-faire economy finances a subsidy equal to 33 percent of the cost of public investment.
The government finances a constant deficit via seignorage.
Is this independence more than just keeping government from financing itself by printing money?
There are of course alternative approaches to financing health care.
The second factor includes items related to financial aspects of the household, such as allocating the family budget or managing family finances (henceforth ' financial roles ').
Among our respondents were individuals who had resisted the offer of early retirement because it would only have led to a worsening in their finances.
Currently, the only such programmes, endorsed and financed by local governments, are set up for recreational and health-related activities.
About one third (35%) is financed from tariffs and fees,7 leaving a small number of organisations with a mixed pattern of financing.
However, he modernised these long-existing clientelist practices by relying more heavily on youth associations, which he had either founded or financed for some time.
The effect was to squeeze provincial finances, making them highly dependent on discretionary transfers from the centre.
Market solutions were most prominent in the texts about housing, health services and finances.
Fixed investment such as in liming or buildings was usually financed by landlords, although tenants had to provide the labour.
The bureau was initially financed by the state, but the plan was that the fees would eventually make it self-supporting.
Whenever a wife failed to manage the household's finances effectively, severe hardship would be occasioned for all members of the household.
The numismatic e idence in particular points to a major crisis in imperial finances for which large-scale depopulation would be the most likely cause.
Furthermore, because the information is universally available independent of finances, insurance, or location, it promotes justice in the dispersal of medical information.
One common sore point is women's alleged interference in family affairs and finances.
Worries included younger family members' finances, poor health and relationship problems, such as adult children's marital break-ups.
Central government policy is that a needs assessment should precede an assessment of finances.
The text mainly describes the rectors and their involvement in ministering, setting up committees, organising church finances, building new structures and promoting charities.
State agencies directly financed the industrial concerns or participated in legislating laws to favor this growth.
Increasingly healthcare consumption is determined by system wide guidelines rather than individual preferences, and it is financed from either general taxation or social insurance.
Currently, the government finances only 60% of salaries.
In the study, the data were collected from health care providers to reflect their opinions and prescribing behavior in relation to health care financing systems.
The labor insurance financed by the central or local government enterprises covers personnel working in central or local government companies.
The insurance is financed by the village committee or township government and the participants.
Workers' compensation legislation provided a significant form of social insurance that was, in practice, partly financed by workers.
Almost 80% of health services are financed by tax revenues (17).
Is there any information about who financed the report?
The cooperative insurance financed by villages and/or townships as well as participants covers part of the medical costs.
The labor insurance financed by government enterprises covers personnel working in the government companies.
The reimbursement system has been changed from the government's financing the whole budget of rural health facilities to only financing 60% of salaries.
However, most studies are financed by industry (private companies).
Therefore, the distortions of the tax increase are outweighed by the benefits of the subsidy it finances.
No official and easy accessible documents are available that clarify the annual amount of central government financed infrastructure in the different regions.
The private schools were financed by philanthropic societies that had oligarchic and liberal characteristics.
Contrary to the prediction, the ministry of finances is ascribed a professional style.
The utilization was extended to financing private residential properties (for both consumption and investment) in 1981.
As a result, confidence in their ability to manage the country's finances evaporated, and with it the value of the franc.
Other aspects of reform include tariff adjustment, ringfencing of finances, and the introduction of performance contracts where the enterprise is required to meet specific targets.
The definition thus excludes successful predatory pricing financed by current profits from other services, which was included under the previous two types of definitions.
In this case, cross-subsidization is merely a means for financing predatory pricing.
Nevertheless, such bonds have not been considered in the expansion of currency in recent studies on inflationary finances.
From the 1820s to the 1860s, the state was mainly financed by issues of inconvertible paper currency.
In this study, public spending, public revenue and financial balance were studied together to form a comprehensive picture of the management of public finances.
Additional spending can typically be financed in three main ways: through money creation, tax increases or debt financing (including bond issues and direct foreign borrowing).
In addition to these problems, the younger men talked about problems in banking and finances, but lacked detailed knowledge.
The collusion of the bureaucracy and the industrialists was manifested in facilitating the finances for expansion of industrial houses.
In sum, households of varying talent face imperfect credit markets in financing the establishment of modern business and in expanding the scale of enterprise.
In the present paper, therefore, we follow these contributions and explicitly introduce government consumption financed through factor earnings taxation.
We present a model of endogenous growth in which government consumption and production services are financed by distorting capital taxes.
The policy experiments consist of permanent, unanticipated cuts in tax rates by 10% (from 0.4 to 0.36) financed by reductions in lump-sum transfers.
In fact, when the externality is large, the subsidy finances 90 percent of the cost of public investment.
The microsimulation model is also capable of estimating system finances stochastically, enabling us to build confidence intervals around median estimates.
In effect, the payoff in each bad state is partly financed by reducing the payoffs in the good states.
However, contributions are only recorded in individual accounts and the real contributions are financing payments to today's pensioners, as in any pay-as-you-go setting.
Such magnitudes could go far toward covering the social security financing gap.
In both countries the central agencies are budgetary entities and are financed entirely out of the budget.
Finances were no big problem, with most participants (88%) expressing no worry about their finances and the rest expressing only some anxiety.
He then simulates the impact of alternative taxes for financing government expenditures including pay-as-you-go public pensions.
The benchmark policy involves constant subsidy rates applied to capital and labor incomes, financed by a lump-sum tax.
First, an increase in government expenditures financed by nondistortionary taxes causes a negative wealth effect, which induces a rise in labor supply.
One of the colonial authorities' most pressing concerns in the new emirate was to stabilize the country's leadership and, par ticularly, its finances.
One policy option for financing these service upgrades is to use increased local tariffs.
Other studies indicate that these activities consume as much as 80 percent of finance's resources.
Papal finances, however, had hardly improved after the revolution, creating a growing disparity between funds actually available and forces originally allotted.
The simple answer - that he found his finances suddenly overstretched - is no longer accepted with confidence as an adequate explanation.
The historiography of urban finances in the modern period has had two main orientations.
State governments are responsible for the radio broadcasting services of the area under their jurisdiction, whereas television is still mostly federally controlled and financed.
The import element of such schemes can be financed by foreign currency bank loans.
Even if no complications do arise, distance alone generally means slower debt settlement and thus exporters must decide how the transaction is to be financed.
Future pension liabilities were to be financed out of future economic growth - or to be worried about by future generations.
Capitalist clothmakers financed their manufacturing businesses in part from the rents paid by their tenants.
If the gains are large and insurance markets are not well-developed, however, then companies might face practical difficulties in financing the bonds.
The result was a proclivity for deficits, financed through monetary issue, which led in the first half of the 1920s to inflations and hyper-inflations.
One policy option for financing these service upgrades is to use increased tariffs.
Under this law, family benefits would be paid for by family funds provided by professional bodies, financed by the employers.
However, the difference in musical participation between the two schools is probably largely due to a difference in finances.
In view of long commuting distances to work, the new car was often a relief which could only be financed by working overtime.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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