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词汇 example_english_fearful

Examples of fearful

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Like those companies most fearful of recession, all of these companies are on average loss makers.
The basic political assuption implicit in non-violent action is that governments are ultimately dependent on the fearful obedience and compliance of the people.
Workers remain fearful of arbitrary dismissals and female workers in particular are treated poorly by certain foremen.
Attempting to come to terms with these rapid social changes, individuals increasingly withdrew into silence, fearful of exposing their true selves to strangers.
Fearful adults scored extremely low and significantly lower than preoccupied and dismissing adults on the histrionic and narcissistic dimensions.
A differential neural response in the human amygdala to fearful and happy facial expressions.
We fearful ourselves, in that way when you see our bushiness you will be afraid.
Local councils, lacking real knowledge and fearful of criticism, make conditions which prevent any viable outcome being found, in order to protect themselves.
Many fearful children also represent the self as vulnerable and ineffective.
Another child, also fearful, may busily play in the sandbox, taking occasional breaks to observe other children's activities.
Instead, they appear extremely fearful when exposed to an unfamiliar animal.
Fearful toddlers who were also insecurely attached exhibited elevated cortisol levels.
In this case, though, the animals are extremely fearful and anxious, and they freeze in reaction to aggression from other animals.
The diametrically opposite functions of fearful paleo and confident arche determine the functions of dreaming and cognitive processes in general.
They are, however, both very innocent, and fearful of consequences.
We enjoy reflecting on both the compassion that we feel for the characters on stage and our own freedom from their 'fearful adventures'.
Highlanders were particularly fearful of being politically subjugated and economically exploited by the lowlanders.
Others were fearful about the perceived challenges of inner city practice.
Although human beings can predict solar eclipse in advance, yet, from ancient times, sovereigns have all regarded them as warnings to be fearful.
While they have extraordinary leaping ability, they spring upward onto tree branches only when they are fearful or suddenly attacked.
Self-reported romantic attachment style was significantly associated with personality dimensions, with fearful adults showing the most maladaptive personality profiles.
Perhaps they are even less fearful than before that event.
Over the years, teachers have told me that they feel very alone and fearful.
Already fearful of erosions into their professional autonomy, these doctors viewed government efforts in healthcare with the same skepticism their counterparts had 20 years before.
Moreover, early amygdala lesions result in a massive reduction of neophobia; the infant monkey is no longer fearful of a novel objects.
During scanning, the subjects performed a simple perceptual processing task involving the matching of fearful and angry human facial expressions.
Thus, inhibited behaviors such as avoidance or freezing in the face of novelty represent coping mechanisms by which this fearful reaction is decreased.
The second, larger group of 21 children had been high reactive as infants and very fearful at 14 months.
One is that it makes people more fearful.
However, 26% of the respondents marked that they viewed physic ians as more fearful than they were 5 years earlier.
Interestingly, physic ians appear to remain fearful of consequences related to their prescr ibing practices, and yet they are providing better care despite their fears.
While passively viewing faces with fearful emotional expressions, adolescents exhibited greater activation than adults in the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate.
In contrast to this, night comes to represent not the fearful, mysterious darkness of unreason and unknowing, but rather restful death and unindividuated unconsciousness.
No longer fearful of communist expansion, western states followed suit.
When we recall that filth was invariably associated with immorality, the "foul and fearful poison" threatening the suburban wife takes on a horrifying moral dimension.
Results supported the prediction that fearful participants would show the most maladaptive personality profiles of the four selfreported adult attachment styles.
Even the speakers who venture to condemn governmental policy and practice find a much more fearful and compelling cause elsewhere.
On the other hand, as henchmen of a conquering power, they also demanded fearful respect.
Increasingly the metropolis is put under a microscope, its defenders fearful of the darker side of the jewel in the imperial crown.
Initially, during pretreatment/baseline assessment, no difference existed in the incidence of infants reaching for ambiguous objects following either maternal joyful or fearful facial expressions.
He was fearful of the reaction of the foreign exchange markets.
In fact, these same unresolved fearful affects prevent her from recognizing situations that are fearful for the infant.
The model also predicted the reduced responsiveness of individuals with psychopathy to sad and fearful facial expressions.
They found that borderline personality symtomatology was significantly related to fearful and preoccupied attachment dimensions.
While the approach-oriented child may elicit intense social stimulation from others, the fearful child may be treated in a more gentle or protective way.
A fearful temperament may facilitate representations involved in detecting and avoiding threat, which may in turn exacerbate the child's fear.
A child who is uncomfortable with the teacher may be anxious or fearful about going to school.
Disorganized or incoherent representa- is a chronic threat of violence may lead partions could result in either impairments or ents to become anxious and fearful.
A differential neural response in the human amygdala to fearful and happy facial expression.
One involves the more reactive influence of fear, showing moral standards being internalized more effectively in fearful preschoolers subjected to gentle discipline.
We might begin with a child who is highly fearful with moderate rather than low levels of appetitive motivation.
Consequently, infants with disorganized attachment may themselves be fearful in interactions with others.
In addition, community groups should be aware that the common view of non-citizens as leading isolated and perhaps even fearful lives44 is not entirely accurate.
The scale produces six subscales: aggressive with peers, prosocial with peers, asocial with peers, excluded by peers, anxious-fearful, and hyperactive-distractible.
Further, adults who have already experienced many recurrent episodes may be fearful that they will sink into a long protracted depression.
Internalizing problems decreased when children were more fearful, but remained stable and at the lowest level of internalizing behavior problems.
Politicians from the traditional parties were not fearful of losing their political dominance, nor were they eagerly seeking new allies.
Nevertheless, a two-way chi-square analysis of unresolved0not unresolved and fearful0not fearful was nonsignificant, x 2 1, 75!
The second divorced woman was more fearful of the prospect that she might again be let down badly.
Most often their behavior is characterized by ambivalence-"fearful avoidance and the desire for release" p. 46!.
Maintaining the principle of change as the only constant worth conserving, this "classless" vision would surely provoke those fearful of a world marked by motion.
A selective impairment in the processing of sad and fearful expressions in children with psychopathic tendencies.
Men were very sensitive to the impact that their cancer had on their wives; they felt their wives were more outwardly fearful and worried about the future.
They have arrived - they are fearful.
The attacks of diarrhoea and constipation are sufficiently unpleasant to render victims extremely fearful of future relapses, and this anxiety can often seem inordinate during the long periods of remission.
The authors interpreted their findings as to suggest that borderline personality reflects both a pattern of ambivalent engagement in hostile- dependent relationships and fearful-depressed withdrawal coping style.
After a toddler witnesses her father shy away from fire on multiple occasions, for example, she may begin to associate fire with fearful expressions and escape behaviors.
Unlike dismissing-avoidant attachment, fearful-avoidant adults may desire close relationships but lack self-worth and confidence in others, causing them to avoid intimacy for fear of being hurt.
Although the patients had been told in great detail about all technical and practical aspects of the operation, one-third of the women were nevertheless extremely fearful when the time arrived.
Both rural and urban committees, however, were fairly timid in making decisions, fearful of the potential for desecration of controversial edifices, and anxious to provide an appearance of working-class participation.
Late in the 1st year, some infants begin to show inhibited approach to unfamiliar and intense stimuli, and subsequent fearful behavior accompanied by enhanced sympathetic and adrenal reactivity.
Ultimately, we believe that, as with dissociation and anomalous threat, the operative or key mechanism also involves alterations in normal consciousness stemming from the parent's fearful state of mind.
Further, only a proportion of children-usually 20 to 40%-react to a traumatic event with some form of fearful symptom.
The book strikes one final fearful note.
Leading physiologists reassured fearful believers by calling attention to the rift that their discipline had actually opened between scientific analysis of nerve systems and understanding of the mind.
Fearful images of genetic deter minism, genetic discr imination, and eugenically motivated euthanasia of newbor ns, fetal reduction, and discarding of embr yos have filled the media.
Neocortical modulation of the amygdala response to fearful stimuli.
Fearful expectations and avoidance actions as coeffects of perceived selfinefficiency.
We shall examine each type of constraint in turn, starting with those most antagonistic to or fearful of democracy and working through to those most favourable to it.
If we first consider the fearful child with low effortful control, such a child's attention may be frequently controlled by the more reactive influences of fear.
Data from our laboratory suggest that less than one-half of fearful children under 3 years of age will be diagnosed as having any anxiety disorder 10 years later.
There is a fearful symmetry on occasion in the association of the station and death.
Such an attitude is as dogmatic, doctrinal and restrictive in its own way as was the fearful silence or sniggering scorn of earlier decades.
None of the other superhuman beings is described as inherently shy or fearful, a further indication of their being conceptually set apart from human beings.
Others may be fearful that they will not be able to cope without the support and guidance of the therapist.
She was now fearful about returning to school, but agreed to discuss this with her tutor.
Another very deviant child was surly and extremely resistant as an accompaniment to her fearful, shy behavior.
In contrast, the children with strong approach who are also fearful should be better able to inhibit impulsive approach tendencies.
However, parents' constant effort to guard children from fearful situations might actually put a great deal of strain on the relationship.
In comparison, if contextual risk was high but children were more fearful, they had lower levels of internalizing behavior problems that also decreased over time.
Coded: 1, very reluctant or fearful; 2, shy; 3, warms up to tester; 4, immediately friendly.
The junior minister was fearful, but realistic, about the electoral consequences of social change.
Many, fearful of hunger and evictions and distrustful of national leaders, saw the wisest action to be to avoid the strike and union.
Specifically, radiotherapy treatment can be a stressful and fearful experience for the patient.
The appearance and rapid progression of the lesion caused psychological stress and made the patients fearful of having cancer.
Each attachment category consists of marked, moderate and somewhat fearful.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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